Posted Mon Sep 10 10:00:00 2007 - 3 comments
The Many Men of Martha Manning
3. Martha Manning Fri Aug 8 11:40:38 2008 PDT
Good news, I hope. "The Many Men of Martha Manning" was surprisingly successful, so we have an all-new adventure, "Martha & Dotty: Microwave Mambo!" Please visit for actual release date. And thanks for the love.

Always yours,
2. Danielle Thu Sep 13 13:51:58 2007 PDT
A little bird told me that all six episodes of "The Many Men of Martha Manning" are also available for sale as snazzy CDs at the Fringe Festival Box Office (more on the Festival here: Wandering through Old City Philadelphia? Pick up a CD - The cover art alone is worth your $10!
1. Martha Manning Thu Sep 13 13:20:25 2007 PDT
So glad you like my little show. "Martha!" Please check out of the episodes are available for free downloading there, and there's also a link to my MySpace page and my Google discussion group, which, sadly, no one has used as yet. But if you become the first, I'll be delighted to answer any questions you may have. And really, you must have some.

Always yours,

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