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  1. Sunday's Tweets
    09:28 ipv6 finally kicked in on my new router, demonstrating that I have no clue what's going on with ipv6...
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  2. Saturday's Tweets
    10:28 Samsung products suck...
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  3. Friday's Tweets
    19:30 Today I spent four hours loading PDFs onto hundreds of USB drives...
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  4. Thursday's Tweets
    11:31 An iPhone that falls on its back...
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  5. Wednesday's Tweets
    15:23 RT @flargh: My favorite Mac newsreader...
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  6. Monday's Tweets
    20:52 Excellent...
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  7. Sunday's Tweets
    08:31 Boehner ‘I Can’t Imagine’ Ever Supporting Gay Marriage...
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  8. Saturday's Tweets
    19:34 Via @counternotions, how O'Reilly the reliably wonderful tech book publisher has lost its way...
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  9. Friday's Tweets
    12:30 Senator Ted Cruz isn't just a sanctimonious jerk about the Constitution...
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  10. Thursday's Tweets
    11:11 This is not the sort of Carnival you're looking for...
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  11. Wednesday's Tweets
    14:40 So he's Pope Francis the Unenumerated...
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  12. Tuesday's Tweets
    13:13 Bob Woodward gets his facts right and the story wrong on John Belushi...
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  13. Sunday's Tweets
    07:53 Photography isn't just about capturing reality; it's also about manipulating reality...
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  14. Friday's Tweets
    09:25 Finally replaced the failing battery in my car key fob...
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  15. Tuesday's Tweets
    13:14 First filling from my new dentist...
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  16. Monday's Tweets
    20:33 OMG, I'm randomly famous...
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  17. Sunday's Tweets
    07:46 @Lomara Envy you so much...
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  18. Saturday's Tweets
    12:50 2nd day lying around hating life...
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  19. Thursday's Tweets
    07:12 Pretty enthusiastic crowd at my Java User Group talk in Oakland last night...
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  20. Tuesday's Tweets
    06:49 Trade show today...
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  21. Monday's Tweets
    13:40 Does anyone wonder we're a couple of generations of ADD um, uh, ooh, shiny...
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  22. Saturday's Tweets
    17:21 It's like I'm on the cruise with him...
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  23. Wednesday's Tweets
    09:29 Chuck Hagel isn't really a Friend of Hamas...
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  24. Tuesday's Tweets
    10:08 At work...
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  25. Monday's Tweets
    06:42 @HelloTheFuture Miss you too, doll...
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  26. Sunday's Tweets
    05:50 My cruise is done...
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  27. Wednesday's Tweets
    09:51 My transport...
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  28. Sunday's Tweets
    04:23 Got talked into letting a homeless Sea Monkey share hotel room last night...
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  29. Saturday's Tweets
    07:30 At the gate at LAX...
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  30. Friday's Tweets
    06:47 Week of sales meetings almost done...
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