What you're about to read is a collection of pointers to some of the music I've discovered on the iTunes Music Store, music I like enough that I want to share it. If you're an iPod owner and an iTunes fan (and if you aren't, what are you doing here?), maybe you'll find something new. Click on any of the CD covers to bounce over to the store and sample a few tracks. And then maybe stop by my other blog for a few well chosen words (and maybe a random snark or two).RSS feed
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        Country (21)

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Have some music to recommend? I can always use a few pointers. Use the comments link at the bottom of the page.
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Sun, 19 Sep 2004

Rise / Kim Richey
Rise When you're young, you're bombarded by new music. And if you're at all like I was, you like a remarkable amount of what you hear. As you get older (okay, old), you're exposed to a lot less. And like even less of it. At some point I got worried that I was becoming my parents. Could Time/Life or Reader's Digest record collections be far behind?

But there was hope, in the form of Joss Whedon. Although I was a late discoverer of Buffy and Angel, I caught up as the seasons were released on DVD. And every now and then a well chosen song would hold my attention. Such was the case with A Place Called Home, a lovely song that was used to end a particularly emotional episode of Angel. And that led me to listen to more of Kim Richey's work, despite its off-putting characterization in the genre of Country. Heck, if there were more country CDs like this one, even I might become a convert.

[ Category: Country | 1 comment | Link ]

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Comments to: Hank Shiffman, Mountain View, California