I was going to write something incredibly clever and insightful,
probably about the contradiction between the soaring and very human
vocals on this album and the cold category of
Electronic to which it
belongs. And it would have been good.
But then I went off to Amazon to do a little research on Ms. Heap.
And discovered that the CD version of this... uh... CD... well, you
might remember the furor over Sony's Copy Prevention software debacle,
where they put stuff on some of their CDs that broke people's PCs.
And installed even if you refused to accept their license. And
refused to uninstall. And was defended by some suit at Sony with the
dubious argument that most people don't know what a rootkit is, so why
should they care? (Presumably he'd make the same argument about
cancer. Or high blood pressure. Or the AMT.) Anyway, turns out this
was one of those destructodiscs. Which is one more reason to like the
iTMS. Because no matter how you feel about DRM, at least Apple isn't
trying to turn your computer into a pile of slag.