Journey with me now, back into the mists of time to a simpler, more
analogue age. I was a couple of years out of college and replacing my
first Radio Shack stereo with something... something less... well,
let's just say something less Radio Shack. The friend who helped me
pick out my gear was a true audio nut, one who introduced me to the
ultimate torture test for a turntable: Telarc's digital recording of
Overture, recorded with real cannons and church
bells. I suspect Bass Lo-Ryders serve a similar purpose for
those mobile sound systems that make my teeth rattle at traffic
lights. Their music proves that all the money spent on woofers wasn't
for naught. Although I'm more inclined to forgive the intrusion,
vibrating fillings and all, now that I've heard their track called
Your Bass Are Belong To Us. If you don't get why that's
funny, ask a nerd. Betcha he'll know. (Or she; it could be she. But
more likely he. Some things change very slowly.)