Being a big fan of live theater, including the musical kind, I have a
pretty good collection of both cast albums and individual recordings
by performers who particularly impressed me. Those latter albums tend
to be hit or miss for me; I enjoy the performers but am not always
crazy about their choice of material. Everything's Fine is
a surprise in that regard. Rather than a collection of Broadway
standards or piano bar stuff, Ms. Ripley has recorded her own
creations. And even her performance is rather a surprise; it doesn't
shout Broadway, if you know what I mean. In fact, hearing
her for the first time (well, the second; I didn't recognize her from
her role in
the idea that she was a stage performer never had the thought of
becoming an inkling in my mind. And that's a good thing, although I'd
be glad of the chance to see and hear her on the stage again.
Especially now that I know what I'm looking and listening for.