I hope you appreciate all the work that goes into a blog like this,
the searching and sampling to find just three new performances a
week. And performers as well; I bet you haven't noticed that I've yet
to repeat a recording artist in over four hundred posts. It's a
serious effort, I can tell you.
Okay, it isn't really. And sometimes it's no effort at all. Like
today for example. I can't claim to have discovered Ms. Sweet. She,
or rather her PR people, found me. And sent me her latest CD, so new
that it hasn't shown up on the iTunes Store yet. So when it does, be
sure to give a listen. Kelly Sweet has a sweet and pure and perfect
voice, a little like a
Church, only without the highfalutin
repertoire. That new CD is the best money I never had to spend. Not
that I wouldn't have spent it if I'd needed to, you understand.
Oh, I almost forgot. That album that isn't on the iTunes Store yet?
It's called We Are One. One what, she doesn't say.
Update 03/09: Ah, the perils of trying to get a little bit ahead on my posts. You know that not yet on iTunes album I just mentioned? Well, turns out it's there now. So rather than listening to Kelly's EP and imagining how good a whole album would be, you can skip that whole imagining thing and hear what I heard