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Friday's Tweets

19:30 Today I spent four hours loading PDFs onto hundreds of USB drives. FML.
21:42 Via @froonium, 10 different ways #Farscape might have ended. (I miss Moya. And Pilot. Okay, and Chiana. And Jool.)


Thursday's Tweets

11:31 An iPhone that falls on its back? Couldn't you just tape it to a cat? Or a piece of toast with jelly? http://t.co/ePbKMzGYVh
16:06 I miss Animaniacs. http://t.co/u44Ml83gl4
18:13 Is it wrong that I want these guys punished for abusing the DMCA takedown process? http://t.co/lXlBQiY6eE
18:21 @Elise_Logan Glad we're on the same page.


Wednesday's Tweets

15:23 RT @flargh: My favorite Mac newsreader. RT @theloop: The return of NetNewsWire http://t.co/XMUVfnlFVk [Mine too. Very pleased.]


Monday's Tweets

20:52 Excellent. My third Einstein strobe just shipped. Now I need somebody to get all lit and photographed and stuff.


Sunday's Tweets

08:31 Boehner ‘I Can’t Imagine’ Ever Supporting Gay Marriage. (And I can't imagine ever supporting John Boehner.) http://t.co/fySsgBQzCe
08:32 Watching Karl Rove and Sarah Palin savage each other shouldn't be this much fun. It shouldn't be, but it is. http://t.co/HrE1XHIy7g
15:36 My DSL router's been malfunctioning, so I'm finally upgrading to an IPv6-capable router. Took a few minutes, but I'm back. But for how long?
18:17 RT @counternotions: "My Amazon bestseller made me nothing" http://t.co/e5hN74W2Ax [Makes me feel better about my puny photography earnings.]


Saturday's Tweets

19:34 Via @counternotions, how O'Reilly the reliably wonderful tech book publisher has lost its way. Beyond sad. http://t.co/UpY8j9AerY
19:49 @brettglass Particularly of interest to me, since my VP is pushing me to write an ebook for O'Reilly.
21:12 Riddle me this, Mac folk: why doesn't my MBP see OS updates until days after my Mac Mini? Load balancing on Apple's servers?
21:22 @YaleStewart Maybe not, but you have fans. That's good too.


Friday's Tweets

12:30 Senator Ted Cruz isn't just a sanctimonious jerk about the Constitution. He's also wrong. http://t.co/HL5PGSupXE
14:13 Federal judge declares National Security Letters unconstitutional. Is our long fascist nightmare nearing its end? http://t.co/K7sMrexfUU
14:59 CPAC shows it's hard out there for a racist. http://t.co/unOdYhZClH


Thursday's Tweets

11:11 This is not the sort of Carnival you're looking for. (What, again?) http://t.co/N04mVGVLry
14:27 Bacon sandwiches cure hangovers? How awesome is that? http://t.co/9uLRvbsfMv


Wednesday's Tweets

14:40 So he's Pope Francis the Unenumerated? That's a little disappointing. http://t.co/yTb4uhrpqB


Tuesday's Tweets

13:13 Bob Woodward gets his facts right and the story wrong on John Belushi. How much else did he screw up? http://t.co/a5Arkcy38n


Sunday's Tweets

07:53 Photography isn't just about capturing reality; it's also about manipulating reality. It has ever been so. http://t.co/txa6Fv9GRv


Friday's Tweets

09:25 Finally replaced the failing battery in my car key fob. Fry's failed me; big surprise. Radio Shack came through; bigger surprise.
17:25 Sign up for @copyapp with this link, and we'll both get 5 GB of free cloud storage in addition to the usual 5 GB: https://t.co/HYZJpPtRyA


Tuesday's Tweets

13:14 First filling from my new dentist. No drugs and not much pain. Was I worried? Heck yeah, I was.
18:14 RT @Lomara: I just backed STRIPPED: The Final Push on @Kickstarter http://t.co/CQbRvGdNy7 [Yeah, me too.]


Monday's Tweets

20:33 OMG, I'm randomly famous! Called out in the latest @reduced podcast by @AustinTichenor hisownself! http://t.co/LuLa3tnUaZ


Sunday's Tweets

07:46 @Lomara Envy you so much! Love @ThrillingAdv; can't wait for Concert Video recording session this fall.
07:51 @alwayscoffee Did you ever see him in the Horatio Hornblower TV movies with Ioan Gruffudd? Awesome stuff.
08:40 Love these twisted trailers! If Real Genius (a favorite movie) got the N. Night Shyamalan treatment: http://t.co/3TnDWgiV7R
10:07 Let it be said and acknowledged for all time: @scalzi is wrong; his wife is right. http://t.co/oxZ1jTj2HO


Saturday's Tweets

12:50 2nd day lying around hating life. Worst part is feeling okay until I try to do something. Not how I planned to spend the weekend.
13:40 How'd I miss this? Michele Bachman declares falafel a gateway to shawarma, and worse! http://t.co/f7Ka7trNEJ
20:11 1st white paper I wrote for work got seen by nobody. 2nd paper pretty much has to do better. http://t.co/I8AGxU1dWp


Thursday's Tweets

07:12 Pretty enthusiastic crowd at my Java User Group talk in Oakland last night. Made it worth the endless traffic on I-880.
11:03 That is so wrong. http://t.co/CxGpc9HmgH


Tuesday's Tweets

06:49 Trade show today. This time it's local: O'Reilly (the tech publisher, not the blowhard) Strata Conference at Santa Clara Convention Center.
06:51 More Strata booth duty tomorrow, and then Java User Group talk in Oakland tomorrow night. http://t.co/ydBtUiUIpo
13:39 My goal for the day: to get to the end without quitting. No, make that my goal for the week.


Monday's Tweets

13:40 Does anyone wonder we're a couple of generations of ADD um, uh, ooh, shiny! http://t.co/aKLkgzkY4M
13:48 Unlike the original Spock, these come in pairs. http://t.co/5sQoO7xLjR


Saturday's Tweets

17:21 It's like I'm on the cruise with him. Oh, wait; I was. http://t.co/zcFC4qv1DP #jccc3 @mediocrefilms


Wednesday's Tweets

09:29 Chuck Hagel isn't really a Friend of Hamas? The wingnuts got it wrong? I'm shocked! http://t.co/geIZwM6g
15:15 You won't see innovation like this coming from Apple: http://t.co/uQZY5yTyK7
18:41 @planetx I guess you're not a fan of @KPChatShow. @KevinPollak did a whole podcast episode with the creators & cast. http://t.co/mwbnChNSLN


Tuesday's Tweets

10:08 At work. The only thing keeping me from quitting and going on another cruise is the lack of Sea Monkeys on board. #jccc3
10:08 "Indy, why does the floor move?" Maybe he spent a week on a cruise ship too. #jccc3
10:09 A little glitch in the processing, but I am now preregistered for #jccc4. #jccc3
16:50 The best card game ever has a theme song by The Doubleclicks. How awesome is that! http://t.co/tYVCOzs4


Monday's Tweets

06:42 @HelloTheFuture Miss you too, doll. Glad we all had such a grand time together.
07:51 Really, Mississippi? Only 150 years after the rest of the country, you finally agree that slavery was wrong? You bleeding heart liberals.
11:28 Finally got my MacBook Pro back. The bad news: it has a new, wiped hard drive. The good news: I have a backup and it was under warranty.
11:29 The only problem with cruising the Caribbean with my Sea Monkey friends? Reentry into the normal world sucks. #jccc3
12:34 MacBook Pro restored from backup. Hoping I won't have any troubles for the foreseeable future.


Sunday's Tweets

05:50 My cruise is done. Anything happen while I was offline? #jccc3
11:53 Just ran into Mike Phirman & John Roderick at the airport. Thanked them for an amazing week. Can't wait for #jccc4! #jccc3
11:58 WiFi here at MCO is pretty good once you get on. Getting on? That's a bit of a challenge.
12:52 I bought a CD of my photos from the cruise. Have to go through software install and then unlock the images. What fresh hell is this?
13:19 @AnneWheaton Did you have anything to do with the googly eyes on the Best in Terms of Pants trophy's pants? #jccc3
14:16 After hours & hours in Orlando Airport, now on my plane to Dallas. Home eventually.
15:29 Inflight WiFi never ceases to amaze me. And after a week offline, it's fun to catch up.
16:11 @dndgirl Yeah, me too. So many new friends to meet.
18:15 Mad dash, but I made my connection. So long, Dallas. See you again some time.
19:39 Just in case you missed @sfsketchfest #w00tstock & #jccc3, the funniest 35 seconds on the Internet. http://t.co/pV6XzE6E


Wednesday's Tweets

09:51 My transport. http://t.co/vDAZHfPO


Sunday's Tweets

04:23 Got talked into letting a homeless Sea Monkey share hotel room last night. He snored. All night. Fsck.
04:24 @PFTompkins Won't be the same without you, Paul. Next year, I hope. #jccc3
07:25 Madness getting everyone on shuttles to the boat. Mine's still a half hour away. #jccc3
10:19 The view from Freedom. http://t.co/MBaMBqNj
13:44 Leaving Canaveral. See y'all in a week! http://t.co/JL7hLhRv


Saturday's Tweets

07:30 At the gate at LAX. Flight leaves in an hour. Next stop, Orlando. Then Canaveral. #jccc3
08:10 @dndgirl See you soon! I'm on my LAX to Orlando flight. Leave in just a few. #jccc3
11:18 @alwayscoffee I'll think of your frozen Italian when I leave for the Caribbean tomorrow afternoon.
11:35 @alwayscoffee That's because it's the *only* mean thing I've ever said to you. Wish you were going with us.
12:47 So this is Orlando. Okay, it's just a runway in Orlando. But we'll be at the gate in a moment.
14:50 Pity me. http://t.co/NPqmlJhE
17:44 After a few hours hanging out with Sea Monkeys, I remember why I've been looking forward to this trip with such intensity. #jccc3
17:50 @HelloTheFuture Why the heck aren't you here yet? We've been waiting! #jccc3
17:53 @dndgirl I'm there too. Which one are you?
20:37 @VictoriaDahl You were stunning at 16. Almost as much as you are now. Almost.


Friday's Tweets

06:47 Week of sales meetings almost done. Then it's off to SFO and (eventually) on a boat to the Caribbean. #jccc3
14:14 @reduced Pretension? How about a pretense of actors? #pluralactors
18:08 At the gate at SFO, way too early as usual. Good news was they checked my bag through to my Orlando flight tomorrow morning.
18:16 RT @YaleStewart: Enjoy this. For the rest of your days. http://t.co/p7ZYN2eJ [Wow. Just wow.]
21:41 Arrived at LAX. On my way to the hotel. And tomorrow the adventure begins in earnest.


Wednesday's Tweets

20:53 @AnneWheaton As long as I can still get email on weekends, I can live with it.
21:36 My MacBook Pro is back at Apple getting diagnosed. And I'm back on my ancient MacBook. Should I get a MacBook Air for the trip?
21:47 "The first rule of being a ninja is Do No Harm! Unless you mean to do harm; then do lots of harm!" How true that is. #tmnt


Tuesday's Tweets

18:42 Top of the world, ma! http://t.co/eoQd71Ks