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Friday's Tweets

06:26 NPR won't take stand on torture, won't rally for sanity. If you won't risk controversy, what good are you? http://huff.to/blIcAQ
13:40 Back from a job interview. That could have gone better.
16:44 @JustaSunGod Envious! I love Legal Sea Foods. Sorry I didn't get to one this trip.
20:50 Word going around that Benoit Mandelbrot has left us. He revealed truth in beauty, and beauty in truth.


Thursday's Tweets

08:12 Hrs to kill before my flight, so I'm driving aimlessly before getting rid of the rental. Pretty day in Lynn, MA. http://plixi.com/p/50587920
10:13 Forgot Legal Seafood is at Logan Airport & ate before I arrived. Dammit!
12:24 No laptop power on this flight. Just as well that there's no WiFi either, huh?
15:14 Flight into Chicago was supposed to be late. Instead it's early. Can't even get that right.
21:01 In a taxi & headed for home. Big interview in about 12 hours.


Wednesday's Tweets

04:08 Time to get dressed, pack and head out. Leaving Vermont after a fine few days with my friend Beth. Massachusetts today, home tomorrow.
09:04 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:28 Finally needed my tripod, after carrying it around for a week. Treelined lane; photo soon.
17:14 Finishing up my day with a little bottle of ice wine from Vermont. Where they know a little about wine, and a lot about ice.


Tuesday's Tweets

13:58 Finally got my tour of Ben & Jerry's, followed by watching apple cider being pressed. Yay, Vermont.


Monday's Tweets

06:20 I have officially been depressed by the Simpsons. http://bit.ly/aHpIg8
09:04 I got 2 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:04 Just back from visiting a winery. In Vermont. Seriously.
12:36 @alwayscoffee There was. And maple flavored wine too.
13:28 @alwayscoffee Not brilliant, but pleasant enough. And the ice wine was kind of yummy.


Sunday's Tweets

06:03 Off to see a pumpkin regatta, which is just what it sounds like. Those crazy Vermonters!


Saturday's Tweets

07:23 Leaving cell signal-less Franconia. Heading to state #49!
07:57 Hello, Vermont! Funny, but so far you look a lot like New Hampshire. (Especially your lack of cell signal.)
09:04 I got 5 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5


Friday's Tweets

06:38 Leaving Bangor on a bright sunny morning. Next stop: Franconia, NH.
13:07 @alwayscoffee I didn't know that. I assume you're right, as I saw a sign for the Robert Frost Museum a moment ago.
13:09 Left Maine earlier. Now in Franconia, NH for the night, with Vermont some time tomorrow. Loving all the liquid sunshine.
13:19 @alwayscoffee Once again I am in total awe of your feminine geekitude.


Thursday's Tweets

04:51 Beautiful skies in Portland after yesterday's torrential rain. Will stop and revisit a few places before I head north.
05:47 After the rain. http://plixi.com/p/49182593
06:47 Okay, that's a really big shoe. http://plixi.com/p/49189995
09:56 Serenity. http://plixi.com/p/49216841
11:47 For the record, lobster roll at Muscongus in Round Pond, ME is beyond yummy. Well worth the detour, as was the scenery. http://bit.ly/9o3O0B
12:12 Christine O'Donnell ad, but better: http://bit.ly/cGg8pZ
15:06 MSFT & Adobe plotting against Apple? MSFT maybe acquires Adobe? Can't find words to describe how much that'd suck. http://nyti.ms/apC6zP
15:48 At a restaurant called the Muddy Rudder, sampling blueberry wine. It's a lot better than you'd think.
15:50 BTW, there's no AT&T 3G in Bangor. How does Stephen King stand it?


Wednesday's Tweets

06:43 ♪ The rain in Maine for tourists is a pain... ♫
10:52 Starting to see why someone would live in Maine. Even in the rain, there's a beauty to the place. Bet I'd hate the winters, though.
12:04 Unmarked helicopter & armed troops raid school, find tomatoes instead of pot. http://bit.ly/cpUT8t
12:25 "People worship what they don't understand." Duh. And water's wet. (About Apple & innovation.) http://bit.ly/a49Ufn
14:57 The downside of dealing with models: getting stood up. At least this time there's no expense except to my pride and/or dignity.
18:45 Just back from dinner with friends Suzy & Gary. Memphis BBQ in Maine? Nice break from all the lobster!


Tuesday's Tweets

06:11 On the road toward New Hamster. Today's destination is Portland, Maine, my 48th state.
09:12 Arrived in Maine. That's 48 states if you're keeping count. http://plixi.com/p/48884917
11:27 Having my very first lobster roll. Why, oh why, did I wait so long to visit Maine?
11:29 BTW, fall colors being most cooperative. Just need to find better vantage points.
15:54 Just tried out the massage chair in my hotel room. Wasn't expecting a kind of Spanish Inquisition.
16:54 Had a lobster roll at lunch. Having lobster bisque with dinner. You may notice a pattern developing.
16:57 Very clever iPhone app. CurrentTemp puts the temp in its icon, updates hourly using push notifications.
16:59 @hezmanagirl @cabri You are both correct!
17:08 @scapersuse One of my favorites, ever since I had it in Belgium many, many years ago. Texas de Brasil in Vegas does a good one too!
17:53 @Rally4Sanity I'm really going! Got my flights and my hotel and everything! Well, maybe not *everything*...


Monday's Tweets

08:58 Waiting for my ride to the airport. Still a half hour to go. Have I mentioned how much I hate waiting?
09:59 Every journey begins with a single step. This one begins with a shuttle ride to SFO.
10:55 Signs at SFO say there's free WiFi here. They lie.
11:13 Potential employer wants to schedule 1-1 interviews when I get back. Guess my presentation went okay, not that I had any doubts.
12:20 Waiting to board my American flight. Makes me appreciate Southwest all the more, and I'm in First Class!
18:43 It's wet and dark in Boston. When can I go home?
20:36 I'd forgotten how stressful driving is around Boston. Homer the GPS found some truly weird roads to get me to the hotel.
21:22 @lomara Lucky! Been to 2 w00tstocks, & I still envy anybody who gets to one I'll miss!


Sunday's Tweets

16:04 Hitler was a Creationist? The Nazis burned Darwin's work? Intelligent Design must be known by the company it keeps. http://j.mp/cXhLDQ
17:18 RT @counternotions: RT @joshuatopolsky: Holy hell! Nokia fanboys are completely INSANE. http://twitpic.com/2uf61z via @nparmalee [Wow.]


Saturday's Tweets

15:54 RT @paulandstorm: [P] PTERADUCKTYL #syfymovies [More like Donald or Daffy? My vote's for Daffy.]
21:14 Packed. Laundry done. (Yes, in that order.) Still 36+ hours before I head east. I hate waiting.


Friday's Tweets

07:00 Interview in a few hours. I am not going to psych myself out over it. Just be cool, and impress the heck out of them. And wear pants.
09:03 I got 14 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:51 Waiting for the crowd to gather and the inquisition to begin.
14:43 Interview's done. Now we play the waiting game. (Waiting game sucks! Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos!)
14:55 @CarolynCrane The line is from The Simpsons. But it's a real game: http://amzn.to/cR7gb7
15:30 How many people think Rick Sanchez will blame The Jews for his swift departure at CNN? If only we had that kind of power at Fox.
18:19 If you're a Big Bang Theory fan, you should follow @billprady. If you're not a fan, WTF is wrong with you?
20:29 Christine O'Donnell flunked out of Hare Krishna? It there some hare-brained scheme she hasn't tried? http://bit.ly/aURvbF
20:30 No truth to rumor Christine O'Donnell too weird for the Hare Krishnas. So make sure you tell that to everyone you know.


Thursday's Tweets

09:07 I got 31 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:07 A friend pointed out that The Flintstones' first and Howdy Doody's last broadcasts were 50 years ago today. That's significant.
10:08 I got to see Buffalo Bob Smith during his Howdy Doody Revival appearance at my college. A nice man who related to old kids as well as young.
14:09 At LAX, with two hours to kill before my flight home. WiFi won't let me in, dammit!
15:28 Security alarm has been warping my brain for several minutes. TSA on a break?


Wednesday's Tweets

09:05 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:51 Got a great 1/2 price deal at the Wyndham in Costa Mesa. Must be because the hotel is half disassembled.
20:18 I just won 200 free wings at the Costa Mesa Hooters. And RJ nearly won a second 200. Imagine the heartburn!


Tuesday's Tweets

09:08 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:17 Packed and ready to leave Las Vegas. Only without the heavy drinking and death part.
14:03 Greetings from Las Vegas! (As we leave.) http://plixi.com/p/47678477


Monday's Tweets

08:46 Hotel Internet blocks FTP. Which would be a real problem, except they didn't think to block Secure FTP...
09:05 I got 57 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:39 And where are *you* spending your Monday? http://plixi.com/p/47508621
13:27 @CarolynCrane Carolyn, @feliciaday is a fan? That is *so* cool.
16:48 Watching a lingerie show rehearsal is not very interesting. Can't wait to see everyone transformed. That'll be worth the wait.
17:54 Waiting for the show to begin. http://plixi.com/p/47547512


Sunday's Tweets

09:03 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:49 Just exceeded 10,000 images in my portfolio on @shutterstock. That's one heck of a lot of images. http://bit.ly/d8wvNX
13:20 Enjoying SJC's free WiFi & Southwest's comfy chairs with AC for my thirsty laptop.
13:24 Normally I would not desecrate my iPhone. But this has me reconsidering: http://bit.ly/bpYpC4
17:18 Ensconced at the Rio. Room overlooks the pool. Sadly, it overlooks it completely.


Saturday's Tweets

09:03 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
20:09 Back from shooting at a condemned former reform school. Interesting way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
23:09 Packed. Off to Vegas tomorrow afternoon to shoot a lingerie show. I'd say more, but why?


Friday's Tweets

09:04 I got 17 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
15:27 Repug Rep King claims Stephen Colbert not a sincere Conservative. Memo to Rep King: Well, duh!
17:02 Shooting tonight with Shelby & Keri. A trial, but somehow I will prevail.


Thursday's Tweets

09:04 I got 27 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:21 Filling out an employment application. What fun! Now whom do I trust to act as a reference?
09:36 @womprat99 I don't want them to know the truth! I want them to hire me!
15:03 @alwayscoffee Are you one of the Knights Who Say 'Ni'? That would explain the shrubbery problem.
20:02 Shooting with Carlotta. We're clothed; she's not. Much better than the other way around.


Wednesday's Tweets

08:11 @renatojr_rj You *are* back for tomorrow night's shoot, right?
09:03 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:40 RT @Oprah: I think Jon Stewart's on to something. Rally to Restore Sanity. Would you consider going? Oct 30, 2010? [I'm there!]
11:26 RT @billamend: Yay! It's Bilbo's birthday! Take it away, Leonard... http://bit.ly/uKOU [I saw this on TV, long before I read The Hobbit.]
13:35 Nice day on the Bay. http://plixi.com/p/46548892
13:45 How's my horizon? http://plixi.com/p/46550129
18:25 Tonight's a theatre night. But first a littl
18:26 Argh! Waitress arrived just as I was typing!
19:47 In my seat at @SJRep. Go on, entertain me.


Tuesday's Tweets

07:40 After two phone screens, I have an in-person interview today. Hope I remember how to do this. Probably should wear pants, don't you think?
08:07 RT @Rally4Sanity: Hey everyone don't forget October 30th is mid-autumn. Make sure you pack a sweater. Could be cold. [Thanks, mom.]
09:06 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:31 Did Bristol Palin really dance to Mama Told Me Not to Come? That's way too double entendre for that bunch.
14:53 Back from my interview. Don't want to jinx anything, but wearing pants was definitely a good idea.
15:24 Guess who's going to Washington for Jon Stewart's rally! This guy! (You can't see, but my thumbs are pointing to myself.)
16:05 @scapersuse Thanks, Suse. Me too. It's a great role at a great company.
16:23 @alwayscoffee Which is kind of ironic, since I prefer to imagine you without them.
16:52 @alwayscoffee Really? I was just thinking a dress. Why? What did you think I meant?
17:39 My copy of Tales of the Red Panda: The Android Assassins came from @decoder_ring! Read it now, or save it for one of my upcoming adventures?


Monday's Tweets

09:09 I got 47 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:40 RT @paulandstorm: [S] By popular demand, it's the wheel of under-achievement rationalization! http://twitpic.com/2qdgx0 [I can *so* relate.]
14:29 Did you know that the GOP considers PricewaterhouseCoopers a small business? WTF do they consider big? http://huff.to/bqmj1d
16:23 Bad link: Explain to me again how the Dems are the party of big spending. http://bit.ly/98pwpW
16:25 @womprat99 Oops! Not sure how I screwed that one up. Here's a correct link, although Echofon doesn't like it: http://bit.ly/98pwpW
18:44 RT @CastleTV: >>> Watch Castle TONIGHT 10/9c on ABC <<< RT for chance to win Castle mug http://castletv.net/win-a-castle-mug #CastleMug


Sunday's Tweets

05:40 Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day! http://bit.ly/ar7AJ9 @paulandstorm
05:41 Having trouble choosing just the right font? This'll help: http://bit.ly/9oLSdk
07:03 @Molly23 If anybody could get away with it, I bet you could. Just give 'em a grin and they'll be helpless.
12:37 TP candidate Christine O'Donnell an embezzler? Batshit insane, stupid & a consummate liar usually enough for most people. http://j.mp/aTyU4n
13:12 @devans00 And not frothing at the mouth like a rabid dog isn't enough of a difference from Dear Sarah?


Saturday's Tweets

09:18 Leaving Capital City. (Yeah!). But first: breakfast. Or breakfust, as The Creamery in Palo Alto spells it.
13:01 Home, with lots of #w00tstock and model pictures to edit. But not yet. Need to vegetate a while first.
13:50 Via @gruber, why is this article about writing shorter emails so damn long? http://tcrn.ch/d5Ajs1
15:14 @grantimahara Now that we have Bottle BeerBot, can Draft BeerBot be far behind? We need a Draft BeerBot movement!
17:15 Finally finished listening to Just a Geek by @wilw on the drive home from Capital City (yeah!). Funny, sweet, sad; great stuff.
18:44 Just uploaded a few pictures from #w00tstock 2.5 to Flickr. Front row table GOOD! http://bit.ly/aDf6NT
20:42 Tomorrow's Int'l Talk Like a Pirate Day, so enjoy the Captain's Wife's Lament from @paulandstorm: http://bit.ly/ar7AJ9
21:28 @cascio No worries. I think you wowed the crowd in the best possible way. #w00tstock


Friday's Tweets

00:42 Way too much fun at #w00tstock! And those three Newscastles didn't hurt either.
01:26 Okay, time to get to bed. Off to Sacramento in the (very late) morning for a shoot with the adorable Rosa.
10:36 Now I get it! Christine O'Donnell thinks Pinky & The Brain is a documentary! http://bit.ly/bPCNI4
10:45 Car's packed, and I'm off to Capital City, yeah!
20:33 Good shoot. Model left a pair of shoes behind. Sadly not in my size.


Thursday's Tweets

09:27 Karl Rove's momentary lapse into honesty & integrity now over. You can all relax now. http://bit.ly/c8s0c2
09:45 According to @billprady, supposed to remind you of #bigbangtheory minimarathon tonight & season premiere next Thursday. Okay, that's done.
15:12 Christine O'Donnell: Scientists have crossbred mice with fully functioning human brains. http://bit.ly/bPCNI4
15:15 Google: Where "Don't Be Evil" is a slogan. http://bit.ly/aXwWKo
17:11 Tonight's the night! http://plixi.com/p/45497192
17:14 @SuzyMassey Oh no! What did you do?
17:18 Only ten people stupid enough to be on line 1 1/4 hours before the doors open. Oh, and me #w00tstock
18:02 Saw @donttrythis come by. We waved. He waved. #w00tstock
18:06 The line grows. #w00tstock http://plixi.com/p/45504808
19:21 Front row center for #w00tstock. http://plixi.com/p/45515495
19:54 It's on! #w00tstock http://plixi.com/p/45520286