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Monday's Tweets

11:09 Romney campaign promises to get more specific, won't provide specifics about that either. Now that's comedy! http://t.co/5rFRPhbg
19:14 Fact checkers? We don't need no stinkin' fact checkers! (Yeah, you really do.) http://t.co/w9vDhOVu
19:52 I love the Internets. My iPhone 5 has left Anchorage, Alaska and is on its way. Thank you, @iPhoneAlley! http://t.co/C5jQJVg2
20:34 My iPhone suddenly refused to sync. Think it knows it's getting replaced *very* soon? (Rebooting solved the problem.)
22:03 Ordered a new DSL modem that supports IPv6. Finally moving into the 21st century, a little at a time.


Sunday's Tweets

09:27 RT @TPMLiveWire: Christine O'Donnell: I'm Considering Running For Senate In 2014 http://t.co/dTgemJpg via @sahilkapur [Oh boy.]
09:34 Turns out @jimcramer is a self-centered douchebag. Is anyone surprised by this revelation? http://t.co/AeL058I6
10:40 No, David Gregory, Netanyahu is not the Leader of the Jews. Although you may just be King of the Dipshits. http://t.co/K3rB2UJW
12:08 Didn't see that one coming. http://t.co/pmiCNzCs via @paulandstorm
12:16 Want. http://t.co/82IPRadF http://t.co/rzANJX3x
12:22 Are Romney and Ryan liars? Maybe not. http://t.co/xOSl5F2j via @ebertchicago
13:58 @counternotions Put them between two slices of Christian Bread and make a Christian Grilled Cheese Sandwich?
15:15 Two blog posts in a week! This one's about calling someone a fanboy, and why that's often beside the point. http://t.co/S5AN9o5N


Saturday's Tweets

16:26 I can't believe I don't have a single shot like these in my stock portfolio. What's wrong with me? http://t.co/iRYIn3fr


Friday's Tweets

07:18 @macosken Glad I got my order in early. Mine scheduled to arrive on the 21st.
07:22 Glad I got my order in early. An hour later and they were quoting 2 weeks. http://t.co/6bYqHuyA
09:20 @macosken Surprised you couldn't get on Apple site. I got in at 12:03, had order confirmation at 12:07.
11:46 Mitt is asked about middle class income, is off by a factor of 5X. #clueless http://t.co/o185SgRr
12:02 @angrymacbastard This dipshit is right up your alley. http://t.co/Gipqk0eR
14:59 RT @BreakingNews: Wisconsin judge strikes down Gov. Walker's law ending most collective bargaining for public workers - @AP [Justice!]
15:48 This makes me feel old and sad. Two of my favorite films, and the audience can't see them for what they are. http://t.co/zpm62SIy


Thursday's Tweets

08:12 Now that the Nikon D600 has been announced, I'm feeling better about my D800. Enough differences to be worth the extra cost.
20:13 RT @joshtpm: Romney Adviser: If Romney were prez no one wld attack r embassies because of Romney strength http://t.co/PFiwFjZf [Oh FFS!]
20:44 @joshtpm "We'll never be sick, we won't get any older, and we won't ever die." #Romneystrength #romneycare #cocoon
23:07 I'm not just buying a new iPhone; I'm doing my part to end the recession. And so should we all. http://t.co/gi0ZosE6
23:23 A truly ludicrous item auctioned for a truly ludicrous amount of money. But the cause is just, so it's alright. http://t.co/Jex7eDqh @wilw
23:32 I won't stay up for the New Year. But for an iPhone I'll make it past midnight. Such a dumb plan...


Wednesday's Tweets

09:29 While we wait for the iPhone announcement, here's a trashbag Gollum falling into Mount Doom: http://t.co/OY0JgkoW
10:43 Apple's website still shows the iPhone 4S. What's the matter with you people? I wanna upgrade. Now, dammit!
11:53 @GreyDeLisle "or when sounded like A, as in neighbor and weigh." I guess you're supposed to pronounce it DAY-ity.
14:54 Are Candy Corn Oreos a horrible idea? Watch & learn. (Spoiler: Yes. Yes, they are. Horrible beyond words.) http://t.co/ghtFIyLZ
16:27 @IsobelCarr @markmilian I think that's backwards. The adapter is $29. The cable is $39.
16:33 @markmilian @IsobelCarr Sorry, you're right. It's the Lightning to 30 pin adapter & cable that cost more than Lightning to USB. Parts cost?


Tuesday's Tweets

09:10 At the car dealer. 125k maintenance. Not bad for 6 years.


Monday's Tweets

09:51 A lifelong Republican finally gets a clue, discovers everything he knew is wrong. An interesting read. http://t.co/uUsztJZH
10:16 Glad to know that with its Azure cloud platform, MSFT continues its long tradition of UI excellence. And yes, that was indeed sarcasm.
10:23 Oh, HP. You're like an older, sadder Samsung. http://t.co/4F8ml7T5
10:25 Here's a shock: you can't believe criminal hackers to tell the truth. (via @gruber) http://t.co/Xef5MVQU
10:28 Paul Ryan: who you gonna believe, me or my lying voting record? http://t.co/GxSBk965
13:23 Birther event canceled due to a shortage of crackpots. In Arizona! http://t.co/nrvHU0gp
14:08 MSFT support is impressive: 3 calls & 2 emails. But the first email solved the problem. And I wouldn't need help if their UI didn't suck.


Sunday's Tweets

04:08 Out in the field even earlier thus morning, among the first to arrive. Using my long lens today. We'll see how that goes.
08:00 Sad. Too much wind, so balloons won't fly today in Reno. Lucky I was here yesterday.
14:32 Had an experience at the balloon race with an irate attendee. Believe he took it out on me because I look small and easily intimidated.
15:18 @alwayscoffee I'll blog about it later. Proposed title: This is How Wars Get Started
21:02 First blog post in a while: This is How Wars Get Started. http://t.co/GShFpMae


Saturday's Tweets

04:29 4:30 ayem and I'm standing in a field in Reno. Waiting. Waiting.
05:07 It begins. http://t.co/2AuTLIOQ
05:41 Dawn Patrol http://t.co/pi4nG1DY
06:12 And they're off! http://t.co/jMkJt8N8
07:17 Ready to fly. http://t.co/NGqqMGQ1
07:23 Watch them go! http://t.co/OJBavRsd
07:35 http://t.co/Oqal5YUF
08:21 Ballooning done for today. After breakfast I'm off to Pyramid Lake. Balloons again tomorrow before I head home.
13:05 One image from my big camera. http://t.co/cqQTFAiA
13:10 5:51 this morning. The Dawn Patrol in flight. http://t.co/uhA1gJn2
13:28 @NYPinTA @cabri If you liked that iPhone picture, here's one from the big camera. http://t.co/tREXipgQ
13:53 Mitt Romney now claims his plan for the auto industry was just like Obama's. But it ain't necessarily so. http://t.co/emmqqrX8
13:55 Oh, Apple, you know me so well... http://t.co/vilUmUWJ
14:10 @paulandstorm Here comes Yogi Boo Boo #HoneyBooBooReplacements
15:58 @joshtpm Why is that a problem? It's not like voters have any long term memory.


Friday's Tweets

06:52 A piece of birthday advice: silence both your iPhone & your iPad or face an early morning series of Facebook interruptions. (Thanks, all.)
07:28 I share a birthday with Mrs. @froonium? I never knew! (Can't say that any more.)
11:07 Best Google doodle ever! http://t.co/pLw7G14k
17:41 @cabri I do. I'm in Reno for their annual hot air balloon event. Which starts at 5 tomorrow. In the ayem! Did you know there's a 5 ayem?


Thursday's Tweets

10:19 Repug ad with disillusioned Obama supporter is a lie. Have they no shame at all? http://t.co/P3o2dU1t
14:49 Damn. Nokia faked the video from their new phone, and they faked the still images too. http://t.co/QusLrwu6
15:49 Oh brother! Mitt Romney thinks Cold Fusion was real! http://t.co/Sltdj9XM


Wednesday's Tweets

14:46 Paul Ryan: run faster, climb higher than most anybody. Or just lies more and bigger. http://t.co/76MQlDxR
16:58 "He claimed an honor that he never earned." in re Paul Ryan http://t.co/nyCYNmrj
18:20 Downtown San Jose. Thai for dinner, then a play at @SJRep. Starring that Kartheiser guy. You know, Angel's kid.
20:45 Intermission. No idea where the play is going, but I'm enjoying the ride. "The Death of the Novel" world premiere. @SJRep
20:56 Catching up on DNC via Twitter while I wait for Act 2. Proud to be a Dem.
22:45 The set for tonight's play was on a turntable. First time it moved, I wanted to sing "There's a great big beautiful tomorrow!"


Tuesday's Tweets

13:58 Fascinating article about user experience online and in apps. http://t.co/q89C0hSE
14:08 So Paul Ryan's numbers are a little off. What's a factor of 29 between friends?http://t.co/SavgWjCy
16:26 Oh, the shock of biting down on an M&M, thinking it's kind of stale and then realizing it's actually a Skittle.
18:29 RT @DCdebbie: GOP Candidate Wants Life Sentences For Rape Victims Who Obtain Abortions http://t.co/89zTL3p8 [Unbelievable.]


Monday's Tweets

10:21 RT @GOPLeader Today, we celebrate those who have taken a risk, worked hard, built a business and earned their own success. [Uh, no. Wrong.]
17:52 The downside of shooting an amazing model yesterday is all the editing I'll do for days and days. http://t.co/1ZsiQde6


Sunday's Tweets

19:19 @AnneWheaton Doesn't that tickle?
21:12 @billamend I'm thinking The Ballad of the Green Berets. That oughta empty out the place real fast.


Saturday's Tweets

15:53 @paulandstorm @PFTompkins @letsgetshort @janiehaddad That explains it. I wondered what a pencil lol was.


Friday's Tweets

18:04 One man performs Les Miz, and very well indeed. http://t.co/tHy5bTPZ (Thank you, @cscweitz for passing it along!)


Thursday's Tweets

07:44 RT @KeithOlbermann: When Fox calls a GOP'er a liar, he's a liar #LyinRyan http://t.co/fuuu0qI6 [Will the voters fall for this scum?]
20:19 @lizbelsky But not *that* kind of unconditional love.


Wednesday's Tweets

05:27 Dan Quayle's son loses his House primary. Guess even Arizonans have their limits. Good to know.
05:28 RT @drhorrible: We still want to revisit Dr. Horrible. Just so you know. [I want that too. Poor Penny...]
08:46 @VictoriaDahl You want to be appreciated as a writer & an awesome human being? Done! And I don't care at all about your mommyhood either.
09:14 On my way to breakfast I watched a car turn left and head down the wrong side of a divided road. My day is going much better than his.
12:57 Bagel Day today at work. Is it racist to think that my Chinese and Indian colleagues talking about shmears sounds wrong? Not Jewy enough.


Tuesday's Tweets

06:01 @petersagal I like Echofon. Have it on iPhone, iPad, Mac & Windows (the work laptop).
16:40 RT @TPMLiveWire: Romney Camp Hands Out Pre-Made "We Built It" Signs In Tampa http://t.co/He7xS82f via @evanmc_s [He didn't build those.]
18:32 I begin to understand the Republican Dream: wealthy parents and a complete lack of empathy for your fellow man. I flunk both tests.


Monday's Tweets

06:08 VP nominee Paul Ryan declares rape a method of conception. Can we bring back tar and feathers? http://t.co/PXXknVmd
10:22 Amazon reviewers wonder at the idea of Bic pens for women. I mean, let them write and they'll want to vote. Or drive. http://t.co/YMEVBzGj
13:52 I guess there are some behaviors even lawyers consider unacceptable. http://t.co/PNDIpHpE
14:03 @counternotions Why I finally unsubscribed from Groklaw. Objective analysis is nowhere to be found.
15:28 Nikon people have more respect for our gear. http://t.co/Wmxf0rig
21:45 Worked for months on a task on FB game Lucky Train. Close to finishing, see they're shutting down in two weeks. Fuck you very much, guys.


Saturday's Tweets

10:16 Studio shoot this morning. Arrived way too early, waiting for everyone else to get here.
16:17 Thank you, Neil Armstrong, for showing us what courage, integrity and humility look like. Few heroes in my life, but you were one of them.
22:35 When someone claims Apple stole GUIs and the mouse from Xerox, make them read this: http://t.co/N98dsIaN


Friday's Tweets

14:55 I've heard of people who keep fighting the last war (Civil War much?), but this is ridiculous even for these guys. http://t.co/hlbQoMZ8
16:59 RT @wilw: My iPad keeps saying "One BILLION dollars," like it's Doctor Evil, and Anne's iPhone just changed its name to Minime. [Hee!]
17:01 The jury sides with Apple against Samsung. Couldn't imagine how it could go otherwise, but feared it would. Blatantly copy at your peril.
18:33 @VictoriaDahl I'm certainly awful. Really, really awful.
19:23 @RonHogan @VictoriaDahl The heck you are, Ron! (See how awful I can be?)
19:25 Listening to @yakkopinky interview June Foray. I met Ms. Foray 25 years ago at a Mensa thing. She was gracious and sweet. Glad she still is.
19:31 @RonHogan @VictoriaDahl I'm so awful, Darth Vader takes awful lessons from me.
19:33 @VictoriaDahl Can't think of anyone I'd rather be awful to. @ronhogan
20:32 @TheStevenWeber Clearly these dipshits don't. @reduced Bible show is funny; only the most repressed could be offended. http://t.co/SQQTpoia


Thursday's Tweets

15:28 Must what? What must I do? http://t.co/gRjrT8Is


Tuesday's Tweets

06:58 RT @JustaSunGod: The infinite is possible! - http://t.co/sdu5T8AU #youcandoanything [OMG! It's back!]
07:32 Looks like I'm shooting the Great Reno Balloon Race again this year. Just booked the hotel. 4 AM wakeup call, here I come!
19:30 Work event tonight. http://t.co/VYzcrgZt


Monday's Tweets

07:55 @paulandstorm This nonsense goes back a long way: http://t.co/ZBhFlkm4 I suspect now it's just wish fulfillment by anti-abortion types.
10:01 @IsobelCarr And this is different from Creationism how exactly?
10:40 @IsobelCarr To that I would add a War on Compassion. If one has to invent a God, why not a kind one?
11:37 Tony Perkins sez Scott Brown support is shallow among Conservatives. But how is it with shallow Conservatives?http://t.co/ZOAlIjG5


Sunday's Tweets

13:19 This GOP pinhead is leading in the polls? I weep for America. http://t.co/GqGkSD2V
13:40 Via @io9, what if someone else had written The Lord of the Rings? I'd love to read some of these. But only some... http://t.co/aB1bhnBp
13:53 William Windom is dead? "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT?" (Farewell, Commodore Decker. Also Congressman Morley.)
16:58 I just bought: 'Fifty Shades of Red Riding Hood' by R. R. Hood via @amazonkindle (I'm so ashamed.) http://t.co/nFuHUpqk


Saturday's Tweets

08:36 At Golden Gate Fields for Photo Day. First time at a racetrack, I believe.
19:15 Eight sunny hours at the track. Lots of horses, lots of photos, not one bet. http://t.co/pvuDIaft


Thursday's Tweets

19:22 "Baby juice", Fox News bimbo? Afraid to have the word "sperm" pass your lips? (Catching up on last night's @TheDailyShow.)