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Tuesday's Tweets

08:38 Classic arcade game show in Santa Clara in July. Everything's on free play! http://www.caextreme.org/
08:43 End of March & still no 1099 from my brokerage. Soon, they promise. Sure hope the IRS'll be gentle with me...
08:44 @renatojr_rj We need to talk about your definition of taking it easy.
09:07 I got 70 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:14 Are you *sure* this is how Ansel Adams got started? http://yfrog.com/j3slsj
10:05 Taxing tanning salons is racist 'cuz black people don't use 'em. http://bit.ly/bo2s2h (Wow. Just wow.)
13:52 The SCO trial is over. Jury finds SCO never had Unix copyrights, so what were they threatening Linux users with? http://bit.ly/bXg5Gm
14:32 @HappyTinfoilCat Seven years. Makes you wonder if Linus Torvalds broke a mirror or something.
15:41 Gotcha, sucka! 53 attendees at Glenn Beck event in FL have cars towed. Not true they were in the cars at the time. http://bit.ly/9BcQUU
17:00 I hope this email exchange is real. Assholier than thou types need their comeuppance. http://bit.ly/9vEyq6
19:31 Roger Ebert disses Nicholas Sparks. Just one more reason to love @ebertchicago. http://j.mp/baM4ui
19:47 Ten Plagues finger puppets? How did I miss this? Thank you, Steven Colbert! http://huff.to/d3gwLl
20:09 My stock photos seem so ordinary compared to this: http://bit.ly/aU0IDK
20:33 RT @Margoandhow: Earth to Sarah Palin: It was not helpful to say at the Arizona rally that John McCain was at the ORIGINAL Tea Party. [Hee!]