Monday's Tweets
07:27 | Rand Paul tries to rewrite his own remarks. "We don't always say what we mean." Except when we do. |
07:37 | Rand Paul's message to those whose lives are destroyed by big corporate interests? No help for you! Fuck off and deal with it! |
09:08 | I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: |
11:13 | RT @ebertchicago: O, Joy! Replacement MacBookPro now *totally* restored from Time Machine. [Time Machine's a lifesaver. Apple's best work.] |
14:57 | Think your life sucks? Try being a male angler fish. (From @AnimeJune via @VictoriaDahl) |
15:03 | Bet you didn't know: George Washington invented instant coffee. No, not *that* George Washington... |
15:08 | Think an iPhone on Verizon would be better than AT&T? Here's one guy who thinks yer smokin' dope: I bet he's right. |
16:40 | This is cool. Nikon has a lens simulator that lets you see magnification and angle of view at different focal lengths. |
16:43 | RT @BreakingNews: White House backs legislative proposal to repeal DADT after meeting with gay activists. [About time.] |
16:46 | Today Show's Ann Curry praised Wheaton grad Billy Graham in commencement address. Too bad that was the *other* Wheaton. |
17:09 | Bereft Lost viewers get their fill of weird from Fox News. |
17:39 | RT @wilw: Whoops. @kngunn is right: headache is a process, not a file, and I need to kill -9 the stupid thing. [Unix nerd humor. Hee.] |
20:38 | Nice of the real superheroes to let that lame-o Batman hang out with them. |
20:38 | @counternotions Does it go "bing"? |
21:22 | Apple caves on that whole "No to Flash" thing, intros iPad XL. |
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