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Tuesday's Tweets

06:31 Now that's a bad review! $99 Android tablet from Walgreens. http://bit.ly/afJlQI
06:32 @Molly23 Happy 21st, Molly! Now you can sit at the big kids' table!
07:14 Listening to the rain, I have zero desire to get ready for work. And yet I must, even though it'll be a ghost town today.
08:37 For the record, I did make it into work, lack of energy notwithstanding.
09:08 I got 56 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:47 Via @ebertchicago, Pauline Kael makes Plan 9 sound a whole lot better and more interesting than it really is. http://j.mp/fWEkxH
13:55 58% of Repub voters think GOP in Congress should give up govt health coverage. What are the odds they will? http://bit.ly/ezWYja
18:46 Star Wars mice. Too much cuteness... http://on.io9.com/frbXEh
21:16 What happens when @billamend of FoxTrot takes on xkcd. Hint: it's awfully nerdly. http://xkcd.com/824/