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Monday's Tweets

06:04 @VictoriaDahl @arzai I did say that. You're as lively and outrageous in person as you are in Twitterdom.
08:03 Suddenly realized why traffic was so light this ayem. More enlightened employers don't make people work on President's Day. Or even show up.
08:35 @VictoriaDahl Of course it's good. Otherwise I'd unfollow! You're either an open book or really good at faking it. @arzai
09:09 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:31 @paulandstorm [P] I saw that! Don't pretend it didn't happen! Veep indeed...
09:48 @paulandstorm [P] *frowny face*
19:38 RT @mariancall: Please please please take a moment to give, and to RT: http://www.redcross.org.nz/donate #christchurchquake [Just did.]