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Friday's Tweets

07:13 LinkedIn getting into the April 1st spirit? http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=111267017&authType=name&authToken=lzJp&trk=nmp_pymk_name
07:29 Considering how much money I've given Apple, I should get one of these gratis: http://bit.ly/evG124
07:46 A bumper crop of new goodies at @thinkgeek. Good thing today's payday. http://www.thinkgeek.com/?cpg=tw
11:11 My office phone just rang for the first time in months. It was a wrong number.
11:34 Hey, Everybody! You need to Google "helvetica" right now! You're welcome! (Thanks to @thinkgeek.)
13:22 Worth reading for what it says about German Customs & animal rights activists. @thinkgeek http://j.mp/hiOYAg
14:43 @ActuallyNPH Whew! You had me going for a second. Your fake sincerity is remarkably realistic.
16:57 Click To Flash for Safari has my favorite April Fools gag. Guess what happens when you click. http://plixi.com/p/88724244
19:40 In SF for Brazilian BBQ with my photo gang. I'm way too early as usual.