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Monday's Tweets

09:05 I got 39 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:18 After 4 years of final Farscape cons, the Creation folks are saying they mean it this time! I was at the start; guess I'll be at the end.
10:23 @altonbrown Don't be sorry. Some of us enjoy the drivel. That's part of the joy that is Twitter.
11:28 @scapersuse Luck. Hope it goes well, they like you, you like them and it lasts a good long time.
13:06 For Michele Bachmann's husband, does Ph.D. stand for Phony Doctor? http://bit.ly/oGQbUs
17:02 McConnell: The problem with civilian courts is they can't be trusted to vote guilty every time. http://bit.ly/pPqJ9k
17:04 @paulandstorm [S] If you lie down for a bit, the feeling of sanity will pass.
20:18 @VictoriaDahl I wanna see! Here's the avatar @jawboneradio did for me. http://lockerz.com/s/119363701
20:21 Wow. Want for my iPad. http://morrislessmore.com/?p=app