Saturday's Tweets
09:01 | Penn Jillette uses logic to explain why atheism is the only thing that makes sense. |
09:53 | Think putting one of these on my camera would help or hinder my reputation? |
09:54 | @renatojr_rj Another what? BTW, missed you at the group dinner last night. |
09:58 | Via @ebertchicago, a font to identify sarcasm online. Because context isn't enough for *some* people. |
10:45 | RT @JessaSlade: This is always good advice about dicks: [Hee!] |
11:05 | @renatojr_rj Arghh! Yeah, I've made that mistake a few times too. iCal needs a DWIM function. |
11:06 | WI Gov Scott Walker is one heartless bastard. How does more undetected breast cancer help anyone? |
11:43 | Not safe for work, but fascinating. I have two questions: First, how did they do that? And more importantly, why? |
15:30 | RT @bobbyllew: RT @OMGFacts: Google Search for "Let it snow." Now. [That's about as close to snow as I want to get.] |
15:36 | @LotusSixSixSix Life's interesting, Deb. Some good, some not so good. But mostly okay. |
23:19 | RT @billamend: 1960s Batman TV opening done with Lego... [Awesome! I'm ten again.] |
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