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Friday's Tweets

15:38 3 status update calls from Southwest for my 8:20 flight tonight. First delayed to 9:20, then 8:45, now back to 8:20. Are we done now?
19:31 Through security and at my gate at SJC. Flight's delayed a little over an hour. But WiFi's free, and I'm comfortable.
19:48 First crisis of the trip: power brick is failing. Bad brick or bad power here? May be laptopless if I can't find a replacement.
20:37 @IsobelCarr no. Do you also use who for people and that for things?
20:47 @IsobelCarr Well of course he (or she) is! Dogs have more personality than a lot of people.
21:20 On the plane. An hour late, but we'll be on our way pretty soon.
23:28 Hello, SEA/TAC!


Thursday's Tweets

06:01 Holy kwap! Want! (But don't need. And certainly don't want to haul around.) http://t.co/vimjgL9j
07:19 Listening to a webcast about Big Data. So many jokes come to mind, mostly in an effort to stay awake.
13:59 I never argue with a fortune cookie. http://t.co/NxE1SPT2
19:30 @Lomara Wish I could be there, Kim. Darn day job. (And other stuff.) #w00tstock
20:07 @Lomara Thanks! And at least I'll see some of those folks on the cruise in February...
22:06 @neiltyson No worse than The La Brea Tar Pits.


Wednesday's Tweets

06:04 @alwayscoffee But gosh, Ali; if Tosh wasn't an asshole he'd have no act at all.
06:08 @alwayscoffee Touché. I meant act as performance, that thing you do in front of people that they pay you for, not act as masquerade.
06:09 @alwayscoffee And you do it so well. Okay, them: both play with words and amuse.


Tuesday's Tweets

06:53 Today's phishing attempt: a phony bill for my Citibank MasterCard. The numbers didn't match up, but it was a pretty fair attempt.
09:07 Here I sit in our trade show booth. Where the heck is anybody who might give a damn? Gonna be a long, long day.


Monday's Tweets

06:45 Working a trade show in SF today and tomorrow. Expect to spend lots of hours waiting in vain for someone to talk to. A lot like Junior high.


Sunday's Tweets

20:31 Found a great way to drain an iPad's battery: accidentally leave a game of Battleship in progress for 12 hours. Oopsy!


Saturday's Tweets

06:58 @VictoriaDahl How well *do* you have to know someone before obscene pranks are appropriate? @veronicawolff
20:12 Somebody else at the shoot had the same camera bag as me. Luckily, the inevitable mixup turned out to be entirely evitable.
20:33 Pretty good shoot today despite shaky start. Only two of my four 1-1 shoots showed up, but I arranged one substitute. Lots to edit now.


Friday's Tweets

13:28 At the gate at SJC, waiting for a flight to Ontario. Photo shoot tomorrow in Riverside, which has become an annual thing.
14:08 So now I know: my new camera backpack will indeed fit under an airplane seat. That's a relief.
14:47 On the one hand, do I really need WiFi on a one hour flight? On the other, it was only $5. So here I am, tweeting from the stratosphere.
20:40 Driving a rental & using TomTom app to navigate. It made random loud gong sound. I wasn't speeding, so what? I passed a church? WTF!


Thursday's Tweets

16:14 See, Mitt? These are proper Venn diagrams. http://t.co/851P1SiB
18:16 Hah! http://t.co/ijMWRvx1
19:30 Pale Reader #worstwesternsever
20:33 True Grout #worstwesternsever


Wednesday's Tweets

07:10 Right winger at 13, Obama supporter at 17. Guess even Conservatives are capable of growth. Some of 'em, anyway. http://t.co/gAqZdrPU
14:44 Drove down to Morgan Hill to test out my new camera. So far I like it a whole lot. http://t.co/2irWvAjx
14:55 PowerPoint rule #1: Never *ever* use Comic Sans in a presentation. Ever.
14:56 PowerPoint rule #2: Every transition & animation style you use loses you 5% of your credibility.
15:11 PowerPoint rule #3: Funny pictures on your slides are a bad idea. Imagine a painful silence in the room. Now prepare to live it.


Tuesday's Tweets

10:44 RT @byobrooks: Oh my God! They killed Sean Bean! You bastards! http://t.co/kfuiznr2 [At least he survives Sharpe's Rifles. My favorites!]
14:49 @macosken Wizmark? Seriously?
15:35 I'll be damned! There really is a urinal communicator. From a company called Wizmark! Now that's marketing! http://t.co/kGuocH1D
15:36 @macosken I think you meant sights. But wow, they really do exist.


Monday's Tweets

11:17 New phishing email this morning, phony flight details allegedly from American Airlines. Anyone else getting these?
15:06 How the Innovator's Dilemma guy got the iPhone so horribly, laughably wrong. http://t.co/2AvvoHIZ
16:38 Extra points to the Apple Store. Dropped off my MacBook for touchpad replacement yesterday. It's already done & ready for pickup!
20:02 Cartoon voice actors perform Star Wars at Emerald City Comic Con. Best. Thing. Ever. http://t.co/kLnGmaVx


Sunday's Tweets

11:38 My MacBook's trackpad is tracking randomly or not at all. Waiting at the Apple Store for my Genius Bar appointment. How's your Sunday going?
13:12 Quick visit to the Apple Store. It'll take a few days to get my MBPS back, but it'll be free. Lucky trackpad died with a month of warranty.
14:38 There are far too many dark gray Camrys around here.
15:55 RT @pourmecoffee: Kudos to this guy for playing it ultra-straight: http://t.co/Njmi0SfW [Explains the Amazon outage.]
20:35 Great. Rob Schneider is the new Jenny McCarthy, a thought that makes me a little bit nauseous. And I watched ¡Rob! http://t.co/MO7c7wrB
20:55 What to use while my MBP is in repair? Work ThinkPad? I think not. Old MacBook? Could do, but I'm spending all my time with my iPad.


Saturday's Tweets

08:11 MSFT Surface: when even your biggest fans think you're full of crap. http://t.co/ArRutI0S
09:24 Finally have my cabin assignment for my Alaska cruise. Two weeks from today!
09:28 @JustaSunGod We go as far north as Glacier Bay. Stops in Juneau, Sitka, Ketchikan & Victoria, BC. Finally, my 50th state!
09:36 For some reason, the phrase "putting all your eggs in one basket" comes to mind. The downside of the cloud: http://t.co/gSeK3Hbx
12:47 Thursday night at dinner in Boston we were puzzling over a photo of Paul Newman wearing a Star of David. Just figured it out. So proud.
15:41 Reading the D800 manual while I wait for the battery to charge. Wait... wait... wait... Still not done?
15:53 I just backed Marian Call European Adventure Quest!!! on @Kickstarter http://t.co/qFCZfHIn My mom taught me to share. Even with Europeans.


Friday's Tweets

04:03 Texas GOP on record against critical thinking. Yep, sounds about right to me. http://t.co/pmH4xR7I
04:14 Just about done with the Red Hat conference. Flying home this afternoon. Wish I could stay longer in Boston, but home & new camera await.
07:08 JetBlue, we need to talk. Requiring Flash to check in to my flight? So not cool. (iPhones rule; Flash, not so much.)
07:20 RT @JetBlue: @disorderly - We're working on it! [That was quick. I so love Twitter.]
07:30 @Brian_Cowie Sorry we missed each other, Brian. Didn't have much free time this trip.
07:33 @Brian_Cowie Nikon D800. Supposed to arrive today.
22:21 Home after a long day flying. Hope jetlag doesn't keep me from sleeping. That would just be cruel.


Thursday's Tweets

05:10 Thought for today: Mitt Romney is Richard Gere before he met hooker Julia Roberts.


Tuesday's Tweets

05:10 Sitting at BART, waiting for an SFO-bound train. Gonna be a long day.
06:05 My new camera shipped! It'll get here right around the time I get back from my trip. How cool is that!
06:25 Here's irony. SFO has free WiFi if you watch an ad. The ad never showed up, but the free WiFi did.
14:40 Boston looks nice from up here. http://t.co/eNnFsukw


Monday's Tweets

20:22 Responding to report that Orbitz steers Mac users to better/costlier hotels: https://t.co/qKztrptu


Sunday's Tweets

07:54 Why won't the press acknowledge what's obvious: that Mitt's campaign sits on a mountain of lies? http://t.co/R56x3qxx
14:58 Back from shoot #1 today. Supposed to have another this afternoon, but model still hasn't said where we're to shoot. Color me irritated.
14:59 When is a hands-on review not remotely hands-on? When it's a MSFT product. Surface reviews only scratch the surface. http://t.co/DjK5X521
15:18 18 reasons Obamacare is a good thing for the Middle Class: http://t.co/kIwINLmg
15:44 Who cares about Dems, women and minorities? Obviously, nobody in network news gives a shit. http://t.co/txetfazM
19:40 @Molly23 Have you been overdosing on caffeine pills?


Friday's Tweets

08:38 Work laptop wakes from sleep after a few hours and drains the battery by morning. Stupid Windows ThinkPad. Yeah, I know that's redundant.
19:56 @VictoriaDahl Unexpected and uncomfortable. Show me, don't tell me.
20:03 @VictoriaDahl I never got into that. Sweet talk, funny talk, but not dirty talk.


Thursday's Tweets

07:34 Heading to RIverside in a couple of weeks for a shoot. Was going to drive until @Southwest came up with a cheap flight. DING! for the win!
07:37 Don't think @Southwest is really into this Twitter thing. 2200 followers and not a single tweet.
11:21 The emperor has no clothes. MSFT showed the Surface way too soon. http://t.co/7Eg8Bksh
18:26 Just listened to the last of @yakkopinky and @PFTompkins podcasts. There's no more? *sob* *snif* Fix this! I demand amusement, dammit!
21:37 "Oh no, Mr. Bill!" (Weird stuff from Japan via @VictoriaDahl.) http://t.co/7QqVHTnh
21:40 Anyone who got a Windows Phone 7 phone to be screwed by MSFT. Show of hands: who saw that coming? http://t.co/p5FQBAez
21:46 "Instances of design brilliance, like that kickstand"? Really? This is brilliance to you? Oh, Cringely. http://t.co/vnCDdLG4


Wednesday's Tweets

10:34 @JustaSunGod No, different conversations. The accusation came to my website. No reply to my rejection of their claim, at least not yet.


Tuesday's Tweets

05:42 Just received an email accusing me of plagiarizing a photo, which is a lie. Heck, it's not even that great or original a photo.
17:21 @shelbyfero What's wrong? You have a problem with smirky aging frat boys?
17:39 @lizbelsky We're not? Hey, now that you mention it, we're really not.
20:28 Thanks to @yakkopinky's podcast, listening to Julie & Steve Bernstein's music at http://t.co/WePkSYgo Why is none of their work on iTunes?
20:46 @cschweitz So it's all trashy and glamorous, except for the glamor part?


Monday's Tweets

17:32 @kevinpollak On @yakkopinky's latest podcast, it's dueling Chris Walkens. You have competition! http://t.co/AmgaOnzX
21:08 @paulandstorm @AnneWheaton Oscar Mayer?


Sunday's Tweets

18:27 Today's lesson: Father's Day is *not* a good day to drive up to Napa.


Saturday's Tweets

12:48 Just saw the retina display MacBook. Should not have done that.
12:49 Presenting to my company's exec staff is like being pecked to death by ducks.
21:08 Groucho sings about Father's Day, which seems appropriate somehow. http://t.co/lc5Vx0gc
21:10 Ann Coulter describes Mitt as having the Midas Touch. Guess she doesn't know that's not a good thing. http://t.co/4n27EEXm


Tuesday's Tweets

06:02 In my spam trap: "Costco Customers: You're 500.00 Card". No, I'm most certainly not.
06:06 @alwayscoffee Of course, Ali. At least I'm not a *cheap* cad.
11:54 @yakkopinky Any chance of getting you on @KPChatShow? @KevinPollak is a great interviewer, and you'd be a great interview.


Sunday's Tweets

13:50 Mitt told classmates how he liked committing felonies. Assholish prank or criminal behavior? Both, probably. http://t.co/Kxtfvrgh
16:59 Friend's book is $10 in paper, $3 for Kindle version. How can bookstores not follow video stores into oblivion?
21:43 Now with 80% less crap. http://t.co/FoK6yiDA


Saturday's Tweets

08:59 @TheTweetOfGod Match? Not march? I thought you were infallible. Or is that the Pope?
11:17 The good guys are really the bad guys? Tricksy hobbits; I *hate* when that happens! http://t.co/zuhopcqH
15:10 Amazon, you failed me. A month after ordering a PocketWizard III, you can't tell me when it'll arrive. But San Jose Camera could. And did.
22:57 Played Cards Against Humanity tonight for the first time. I was really good, which is kind of frightening. What kind of monster am I?
22:58 Also played Rock Band. Did some @JonathanCoulton and a little @PaulandStorm, plus some lesser acts. All in all a good night.


Friday's Tweets

08:46 Noooo! @cartalk stopping new shows? I am sad, but grateful for all the years of laughs & info. http://t.co/zUyFM3LL