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Thursday's Tweets

11:07 @JohnRossBowie UK is weird. There are lots of sports, but only one math.


Wednesday's Tweets

17:09 The story behind my absolute favorite song. http://t.co/xV569ikb


Tuesday's Tweets

06:47 Met unemployed computer guy last night. He went on about why Macs are pretty but useless for real work. Not surprised he's out of work.
07:15 Primary day in California. How can I not vote for Birther Queen Orly Taitz for President? Must. Resist. Evil. Thoughts!
09:10 I voted, so democracy is safe for a while longer. Even avoided voting for Orly Taitz for Senator. So proud.


Monday's Tweets

06:43 Trololo guy, we hardly knew ye. http://t.co/hsguuXBG
07:01 RT @tobyharnden: Haley Barbour on Perry: "You can step on your dick. You just can't jump up and down on it." http://t.co/6P92r114 [Classy.]


Sunday's Tweets

09:19 Inspired! Holmes & Watson meet Pinky & The Brain. http://t.co/iTxfPJmK
15:48 My impressions of Cisco from working there were less than positive. Reading this doesn't change that. http://t.co/SsUnMtS1
16:56 Sick & twisted version of John Malkovitch iPhone ad. http://t.co/jR149OKI


Saturday's Tweets

08:44 RT @BorowitzReport: A Romney presidency would be great unless you're poor, gay, Mexican, a woman or a dog. [Or care about any of the above.]
11:29 A Catholic priest reads his church the riot act. Even sheep wake up given time and provocation from Rome. http://t.co/DN1KUYvQ
14:23 @VictoriaDahl @alwayscoffee I like that in a woman.
19:23 Listening to @yakkopinky's podcast. Met him at a signing during Animaniacs' heyday. Cool then, even cooler now.
20:41 RT @billamend: Great encapsulation of what some of us deal with re health insurance. http://t.co/f7llJMlk [Hope the Supremes listen.]
21:02 @yakkopinky You asked about it on podcast #42. Dick Van Dyke sang his theme song on @waitwait on NPR. http://t.co/pLW2ZFy9 Start at 8:50.


Friday's Tweets

18:58 RT @pourmecoffee: "46% of Americans believe God created humans in their present form within the last 10k years" http://t.co/SZN70aM0 [Gack!]
19:15 RT @ItsJennaMarbles: Gay marriage is legal in 6 states. Having sex with a horse is legal in 23. Good going America. [It is to weep.]
21:40 Amazon gave me a delivery date for my D800. Well, sorta; some time between late June and late July. Vague much?


Thursday's Tweets

18:44 Started the day at the dentist. Finished by depositing my first paycheck from the new job. Pretty good day overall.


Wednesday's Tweets

07:38 Wassamatta, Mitt? Couldn't afford a good preefrooder? http://t.co/5JTgbltd


Tuesday's Tweets

06:23 @_mandolin Here you go: http://t.co/r2Dq3ZeB
06:30 @lizjaxe Depended on how much time I had. I watched the episodes in random order. At the end I watched 3 and 4 a day.
06:50 RT @byseanferrell: Far too many tweets are the first lines of novels that will never be written. [Including this one?]
09:32 @billprady Was it a robocall? I hung up as soon as I recognized that it was a recording.


Monday's Tweets

20:02 I did it! Finally watched all of @KevinPollak's Chat Show. 148 episodes to date, something like 300 hours, & it only took me 3 months!


Sunday's Tweets

08:24 George Will is right for once. Trump *is* a bloviating ignoramus. I hope Mitt chokes on his support. http://t.co/K7rVgUrX
08:30 Once again Florida leads the nation in election malfeasance. And once again, it's state officials at fault. http://t.co/RC84zKfr
09:34 A beautiful emotional moment from Joe Biden, via @maddow. http://t.co/bxPxfbZT


Saturday's Tweets

12:01 @VictoriaDahl Meaning he was also in the bottom 80%? Because if not, he'd have said top 20% or better.
15:14 Just got followed by some cannabis-related tweeter. What does he know, or think he knows?
22:10 Just booked my flights for #JCCC3. Nine months ahead isn't too soon, right?
23:04 @brettglass First Class on miles plus $10 cash. Can't complain about the price.


Friday's Tweets

07:10 Why isn't @mariancall more famous? She's an astounding singer/songwriter and really cool in person. http://t.co/FDgl5i21
07:34 Testing out a free software trial feature at work. Our spam filter thought our own license key email was spam. Not a good sign.
09:40 Booked my cabin on #jccc3. How many months? 9? Wonder if I'll still be employed by then. If not, that'll make taking the time off easier.
19:09 @VictoriaDahl So far I'd give Start Me Up my vote.


Thursday's Tweets

07:46 Last night's photo shoot. Not my usual subject. http://t.co/NVFQlxxT
17:05 I needed GoToMeeting to view an old web video. No problem; they have a 30 day trial. Problem: they demand a credit card to get it. Uh, no.
17:26 @GoToMeeting Thanks. That helps a lot.


Wednesday's Tweets

10:01 Major work effort avoided. Turns out a tech article was wrong. I know, right? I mean, what are the odds of that?
10:34 Trying to learn Scala programming. Doesn't help they made incompatible changes since this book came out. I HATE when that happens.
15:19 Dry roasted edamame tastes like lint. But crunchy. Crunchy lint, like that's a feature.
16:46 I love this: Where's WALL-E? I especially love the #Farscape DRDin the lower left. http://t.co/p9pKN0dJ
17:29 Two weeks into the new job, I'm feeling far less useless. Not useful yet, but I can see it in the distance...


Tuesday's Tweets

07:03 Lost power for a few seconds. At first I thought my motion sensors had turned off the lights. Then I remembered I don't have motion sensors.
09:52 I'm sure Newt would have run the country better than he did his businesses. http://t.co/Ztdk7mpe
16:43 A programming text is $40 on iBooks, but just $17,60 for the Kindle (or the Kindle app). Something's radically wrong here.
20:00 Just finished Black Jack Justice, the @Decoder_Ring novel. Might have enjoyed it even more than the Red Panda books, if that's possible.


Sunday's Tweets

08:58 @billprady Guinness is better in Dublin, isn't it? As it should be.
21:17 Just introduced my friend Rachel to the wonders of #Farscape. Think she'll thank me?


Saturday's Tweets

09:38 It's a sluggish Saturday after my first full week at work. I'll run a few errands. But not yet.
17:45 "Why Wasn't I Consulted?", the basic question that explains and drives the Web. This is amazing stuff. http://t.co/DaFyWbUz


Thursday's Tweets

16:16 I miss Tiki Bar TV, don't you? Tell Dr. Tiki you miss him too. (Okay, I mostly miss Lala.) http://t.co/mEKBvymU


Tuesday's Tweets

06:43 For future reference, scheduling a four hour shoot for a Monday night is not the best idea. Although it *was* fun at the time.
10:34 First business trip in ages in the works for next month. Booth duty at a trade show; I'm excited! And no, that wasn't sarcasm.
14:14 Someone at work has a Droid phone. How can I tell? Because 3 times in the last few seconds it made a robotic "Droid" sound. No, make it 4.


Monday's Tweets

06:19 RT @isaiah: Yahoo got their CEO from eBay? And he wasn't quite what he said he was in his description? No irony there. Nope. None. [Hee.]


Sunday's Tweets

07:24 @VictoriaDahl Never apologize for your taste. I'd not apologize if I didn't like your books, though I'd be polite about it. (I do like 'em.)


Saturday's Tweets

07:47 In case you had any doubt about Verizon being heartless scum. http://t.co/yyqcuPFh
09:44 It's not that Mitt was an asshole as a kid; lots of us were. It's that he can't feel or won't admit to remorse now. http://t.co/hKfaNaBc
14:27 @angrymacbastard Did you guys miss this one? http://t.co/h9ixLNjF (NYTimes fucked up Apple tax story.)
15:59 And here we thought Colin Powell was the one honorable individual in the Bush administration. http://t.co/fTxo6Bza
18:57 @VictoriaDahl I've only seen the first Iron Man, & sort of know the other characters. But I loved it. A roller coaster of thrills & laughs.
18:58 @alwayscoffee Just what I was thinking: wish I could see your bottom.
19:00 @alwayscoffee Good; that's what I was going for. But the dress looks awfully good.
20:40 @petersagal Maybe you should turn the Thesaurus option off, "Peter".


Friday's Tweets

13:40 Is.there a sweeter sound from your IT guy than "I'm a Mac guy too, and I can make all your iDevices work on our network"?
23:35 Just back from seeing The Avengers. Amazing; it couldn't have been better.


Thursday's Tweets

07:22 RT @cschweitz: So...about this: http://t.co/oT7YfKXj [Time Magazine as fetish porn?]
08:47 Day one on the new job. Hanging out in a conference room while they figure out what to do with me.
11:02 @VictoriaDahl I was a volunteer for a @MythBusters myth last week. It'll take a few months before it airs.
19:12 Survived day one of re-employment. Oh, and put in my order for a Nikon D800. Hope I'm still working by the time it ships.
19:13 @JenniferEchols I'm told one couple flew from Philly to SF for the @mythbusters experiment. So you could've been with us. @VictoriaDahl
19:50 Hello, nurse! An extensive history of the Animaniacs! http://t.co/eAKwOgfq I met Rob, Jess & Tress and got them to autograph a cel.


Wednesday's Tweets

07:49 Atheist gets the military to accept Flying Spaghetti Monster as a real religious thing. http://t.co/S7qJ9xCE
08:02 @Srikanth_gullap @JohnRossBowie As Ted Sturgeon, 90% of everything is crud. That includes people's opinions, actors or not. Speak on, JRB.
09:49 That NY Times article about Apple's crazy low tax rate? Yeah, it was crap. Totally wrong in its wrongness. http://t.co/h9ixLNjF
12:02 My Twitter feed today'll be full of Obama quotes re: gay marriage. I don't mind, really. Wish his evolution had come sooner, though.
14:27 Weird. Log Cabin Republicans are mad that Obama supports gay marriage rights? More important to be Republican than gay? http://t.co/XUM97UMs
18:09 Michele Bachmann claims dual citizenship with Switzerland? Does she understand the Swiss are supposed to be all neutral 'n stuff?
18:58 @cschweitz Is it wrong that now I can't think of you any other way?
20:20 Someone should tell Mitt that if you want to show resolve and consistency, denying others equal rights isn't the stand.
21:39 Still catching up on old @KevinPollak's Chat Show eps. Shocked to learn that Tara's dating Warren. Does Willow know about this?


Tuesday's Tweets

09:50 A beautiful sunny day. Perfect for getting my car serviced and walking home.
12:57 Love these podcasters: @decoder_ring @ThrillingAdv @reduced @paulandstorm @hellobuglers @macosken @chrismarquardt What are your favorites?
13:20 Black Repug Congresscritter quotes Confederate general in a speech. I can feel my brain snap shut. http://t.co/mZvmwpGc
15:27 They say the most creative people in Hollywood are in the Accounting Dept. Guess publishing isn't much different. http://t.co/K7b17tsq
15:42 @alwayscoffee You win? No, every guy who gets to see you in it, they win.
15:44 @alwayscoffee Really? Usually I make them laugh out loud!
17:35 This is great comment spam on my site: "amazing snap-shot! Did you change your shutter speed?"
18:53 North Carolina had the chance to shame California by doing the right thing. They blew it.


Monday's Tweets

08:07 I'm now 72 hours away from gainful employment. Gonna take some getting used to.
10:05 @alwayscoffee Really? Ball-whores? Why am I just learning this now? @VictoriaDahl
14:52 RT @VictoriaDahl: Listening to all chicks all the time on iPod lately. I don't like boys this week. NONE OF YOU! [Boys are yucky.]
15:46 Phony Fox & Friends corrections almost as ludicrous as the real thing. http://t.co/mIyX2FY9


Sunday's Tweets

14:11 Oh my. http://t.co/pgyhBFhV @mariancall
14:13 John McCain, are you fucking kidding me? http://t.co/pX7F77XK
14:42 How exactly does a public company like Amazon get by telling us so little about its business? http://t.co/uBwzB6DK
17:41 I refuse to watch any more @MythBusters eps until the myth I did this week airs. Okay, that's a complete lie.