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Thursday's Tweets

08:43 Publisher Houghton Mifflin screws photographers, shows contempt for the law. How'd they feel if their work was stolen? http://bit.ly/g0kGr1
09:07 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
20:01 Yahoo to shut down AltaVista. I'm shocked! I had no idea AltaVista hadn't died years ago!


Wednesday's Tweets

09:07 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:15 RT @ebertchicago: The lyrics are all names of movie directors. Listen closely. "The Akira Kurosawa Song." (rt) http://j.mp/dVKFe4 [Cool!]
11:17 Moving day? Didn't I just get here? http://plixi.com/p/63145307


Tuesday's Tweets

06:42 @paulandstorm Shitty Movie Dartboard is the name of my John Williams cover band. Hey, you suggested it!
06:47 Very little sleep last night. Need to stop eating like I was still in college. Indiana Jones was wrong; it's the years *and* the miles.
12:16 RT @JonahNRO Hey, if the doc about to crack my chest was a Pakistani, I might condemn the war too [And we wonder why Jews are persecuted.]
14:06 Just had a reminder of how little it takes to *really* *piss* *me* *off*.
14:11 @JustaSunGod Nope, that won't do it.
15:38 Great programming quotes. #44 explains why the iPhone was such a revelation. http://bit.ly/gzEDWs
21:27 An iPhone meat thermometer. With Bluetooth. Truly, we live in remarkable times. http://engt.co/f8gfGY


Monday's Tweets

09:23 A Christmas carol for our paranoid times: Santa Claus is Coming to Get Me. (Well, he *is*.)
11:27 Judge who ruled Health Care law unconstitutional has big stake in anti-HCR GOP consulting firm. Yeah, I'm shocked. http://gaw.kr/gjo0oN
18:02 MSFT will challenge the iPad by shoehorning desktop Windows 7 into a tablet. Didn't they try something like this before?
19:36 @VictoriaDahl You have an internal *dialogue*? How many of you are in there?


Sunday's Tweets

07:28 So gray in Sacramento. @joelmchale very funny last night. Breakfast now, then pick up model for our shoot. Gonna be a good day.
13:54 Done shooting Kaitlin, so now I'm on my way back to the Bay Area. Still gray. I'd be depressed if I hadn't had such a nice weekend.
17:28 Phony product boxes to hide your true gift intentions. Surprised they aren't real. http://www.prankpack.com/ (Via @CarolynCrane)


Saturday's Tweets

06:23 Meet & greet at local studio last night. A little shooting, a little photo talk. And the place is *huge*. Hope I get to shoot there again.
11:20 On my way to Sacramento. @joelmchale tonight, photo shoot tomorrow.
13:59 Glad I didn't plan any scenic photography today. Haven't seen this much gray since winter in Iowa.
18:09 A little sushi before the show. Sacramento's a pretty happening place on a Saturday night. Or is it just this Saturday night?
19:09 Row G for @joelmchale. No problem seeing him at this distance.
19:30 Oh boy! @jonathancoulton & @paulandstorm are coming to SF in January! Already have my ticket. So excited!
19:50 "Using the BlackBerry Torch is like being trapped in a real-life version of "Waiting for Godot."" http://bit.ly/cQmDK6


Friday's Tweets

09:03 I got 5 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
15:16 I so love the web! http://isberniesandersstilltalking.com/


Thursday's Tweets

10:18 @VictoriaDahl Tron was some of the first and best CGI most of us had seen. It was like being inside a videogame of the era.
10:33 @VictoriaDahl The lightcycle game may have come out before the movie. There was at least one game that came out after.
10:33 @VictoriaDahl I think it was just how different it all looked. Like most Disney movies, it was shallow as hell. We just didn't care.
12:21 @sandrift Cracks me up every time it happens. Stupid MSFT and their stupid Auto Updater.
15:28 Via @ebertchicago, Christopher Hitchens exposes the horror and evil that are Glenn Beck. http://j.mp/eIbqD0
15:37 These really are the most awful gifts. http://bit.ly/e2JfNs
17:58 In a legal war between patent troll Righthaven and The Drudge Report, who do you cheer for? Let 'em both die. http://bit.ly/f2mqpR
18:34 @gruber http://bit.ly/hxqFgJ


Wednesday's Tweets

06:41 So now the State Dept is judge, jury & executioner, at least where PayPal & Wikileaks are concerned. http://bit.ly/fZGJ5Q
09:03 I got 29 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
19:39 RT @ebertchicago: Court seizes/freezes assets of gold company Glenn Beck was shilling for. Fraud. http://j.mp/gIcmHn [Never saw that coming]


Tuesday's Tweets

09:04 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:57 Elizabeth Edwards might have made a fine first lady. Too bad her husband was such a hopeless narcissistic wolf.
17:54 I just got my iPhone to print to my networked printer. That is *so* cool!
20:47 Watching Eureka. What is is about Christmas that brings out the sappy in every television series? Hell, even Dragnet fell victim.
20:59 @joelmchale Coming to Sacramento to see you. You're gonna be worth it, right?
21:09 @cabri So what you're saying is that it's all the fault of sappy, humorless Christians. Yeah, I buy that.


Monday's Tweets

09:05 I got 43 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:43 RT @seattlewinegal: Absolute best 'Lost Pet' sign I have ever seen! http://twitpic.com/3dimyd [Available in cans from @thinkgeek.]
13:21 Every other movie on IMDB is rated on a 10 scale. But there's one that goes to 11... http://imdb.to/90Y4vb
13:58 @CaliLewis Sounds like fun! This is me RSVPing...
14:58 Thank you, TripIt. You just showed me I booked one hotel night for the wrong month! That could have been sticky.


Sunday's Tweets

09:04 I got 51 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
20:13 Two shoots this weekend: one 40s film noir, the other a woman with pink hair. Black & white and color!
21:10 @HappyTinfoilCat That would indeed be Raven. My first pink-haired model!


Saturday's Tweets

09:02 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
18:49 I may be losing my taste for group photo shoots. This is not the chaos on which I thrive.
18:50 Cooking corned beef, also known as three hours of sensory torture.
19:28 @RaynaRamsay Gross? Corned beef is food of the gods! Of the gods, I say!
21:51 Three hours later, corned beef tastes as good as it smelled. Which, for the record, is very good.


Friday's Tweets

09:07 I got 60 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
15:00 Govt blocks employee access to Wikileaks. Barn door, meet escaped horse. http://tpm.ly/dZWdVn
17:07 My packages from @thinkgeek arrived! Bacon popcorn! Bacon fizzy drink tablets! Even more silliness!
17:08 RT @billamend: Love this! RT @aedile Star Wars + Dr. Seuss = nerdgasm! http://bit.ly/fwdm9H [Major geekulitudinousness!]


Thursday's Tweets

09:03 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:39 McCain will allow DADT repeal over his dead body. Which doesn't seem like much of a stumbling block, does it?
12:44 This upcoming iPhone app has me... intrigued. Scroll down and you'll see what I mean. http://bit.ly/fO9Vox


Wednesday's Tweets

09:08 I got 94 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:13 WebEx at 6am: when the light on my videocam glows, I'm unnerved. It *says* it isn't broadcasting, but do I trust it?
13:08 I’ve entered to win an iPad signed by @ConanOBrien! Benefits @drdrew charity @Hillsides. Enter here: http://tweethouseipad.com #teamcoco.
13:12 Is Margaret Cho to be believed? Does Sarah Palin really think Bristol's pregnancy cost her the election? http://aol.it/gpXjE5
13:46 It's not the streets that are steep, it's the houses that are falling. http://bit.ly/i5mOKJ
18:49 Just enough tome for a burger & rings at Johnny Rockets before @SJRep & their latest production.
21:12 Intermission for Backwards in High Heels, The Ginger Musical at @SJRep. Not exactly deep, but fun.


Monday's Tweets

08:28 Barely made it through a mercifully short 8am meeting. How will I do on Wednesday, when I have one at 6? Yes, 6. In the morning.
09:08 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:23 "So you want to write a novel." I think I'll stick to photography as a way to make my fortune. http://bit.ly/dJXLaH
11:58 Tech toys to give people you really don't like all that much. http://bit.ly/h3JyIn
12:15 "Ceci n'est pas une invoice." I love ThinkGeek! http://bit.ly/iaFy5S
13:46 MSFT delaying payments to WinPhone 7 developers, not telling them what they've sold. Think they have something to hide? http://t.co/BQUC9hd
19:15 @PetFoodMax Getting photos accepted at @Shutterstock starts out hard but gets easier. I've learned a lot, and made money in the process.
19:47 @PetFoodMax Mostly I shoot what I like and see what sells. That keeps it fun, keeps me motivated, and helps pay for itself.
20:46 @PetFoodMax Mine's a Nikon D300. How about you?
21:28 Comcast's blackmail of Netflix makes me glad I'm on AT&T. Yeah, they're slower, but they haven't pulled this crap yet.


Sunday's Tweets

07:37 Turns out the Kuwait Times got one thing wrong in story about Kuwait DSLR ban. That one thing? Absolutely everything. http://bit.ly/g19x1j
09:03 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:43 The Nation apologizes to John Tyner for innuendo-laden conspiracy piece on TSA protests, admits it had no facts. http://bit.ly/g8zWFW


Saturday's Tweets

06:39 And suddenly I want to watch the whole endless trilogy... http://bit.ly/cqsbIJ
06:50 Why did nobody tell me about How It Should Have Ended before now? Genius! http://bit.ly/dBCMDf
09:03 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:32 Just noticed AmEx gave me a credit in Nov for a canceled charge it'll show in Dec, thus screwing up totals for both months. Most confusing.
11:56 In San Francisco for a photo shoot. Good thing we didn't plan to shoot outdoors. It's wet and cold, at least by California standards!
16:07 Pope says embryos are dynamic, autonomous individuals. I'll believe it when one calls the pope an asshat. http://bit.ly/h6K9Rm


Thursday's Tweets

08:41 Oral Hygiene #badmacysparadefloats
15:54 New Yorker review of Bush's Decision Points. Being The Decider is easy, when nuance isn't in your vocabulary. http://nyr.kr/dZ8mJ9
16:11 What am I thankful for? Every piece of software that has an Undo function. Preferably if it has multiple levels of Undo. Lots and lots.
16:24 Enough photo editing. Off to thanksgiving dinner with friends. Yes, I have friends. What are you implying?


Wednesday's Tweets

06:57 It's Thanksgiving eve day, and I have an 8am meeting. Lucky it's via WebEx, so no one will notice me looking confused & disengaged.
08:29 Made the 8am meeting. And amazingly enough, I understand a lot of the conversation! Three weeks in, and I'm not totally lost any more!
08:53 So Novell ceases to be. Finally, a dead computer industry icon I *didn't* work for. After DG, Sun, SGI & Compaq I was starting to wonder.
09:05 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
15:04 Rat killer and ex-House Majority Leader DeLay adds a new title: convicted felon. Ah, sweet justice.
20:29 Regarding this News Corp newspaper for the iPad, am I the only iFan who would never ever trust the guys behind Fox for their news?


Tuesday's Tweets

06:31 Now that's a bad review! $99 Android tablet from Walgreens. http://bit.ly/afJlQI
06:32 @Molly23 Happy 21st, Molly! Now you can sit at the big kids' table!
07:14 Listening to the rain, I have zero desire to get ready for work. And yet I must, even though it'll be a ghost town today.
08:37 For the record, I did make it into work, lack of energy notwithstanding.
09:08 I got 56 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:47 Via @ebertchicago, Pauline Kael makes Plan 9 sound a whole lot better and more interesting than it really is. http://j.mp/fWEkxH
13:55 58% of Repub voters think GOP in Congress should give up govt health coverage. What are the odds they will? http://bit.ly/ezWYja
18:46 Star Wars mice. Too much cuteness... http://on.io9.com/frbXEh
21:16 What happens when @billamend of FoxTrot takes on xkcd. Hint: it's awfully nerdly. http://xkcd.com/824/


Monday's Tweets

08:54 An example of Google being evil? Or just incompetent? http://bit.ly/9PxZ2x
09:02 I got 35 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:08 "I've got good news and bad news. The bad news is that we're snowed in..." http://bit.ly/ciznkA
09:13 RT @thinkgeek: Google "35 Sampsonia Way, Pittsburgh PA," map it, go to street view, rotate, bask in the nerdy glow. [Hee!]
13:29 Because the first Buffy movie wasn't enough of a trainwreck, they're doing it again. http://on.io9.com/fUYKF4
18:24 Joss Whedon's reaction to news of Buffy remake is more entertaining than Buffy remake. http://eonli.ne/dMov87


Sunday's Tweets

09:06 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5


Saturday's Tweets

09:03 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:29 RT @leeunkrich: Product design FAIL. http://twitpic.com/38mz52 [Not drinking from that. Nuh uh.]
18:52 Lightning? We never get lightning. Okay, hardly ever.


Friday's Tweets

08:31 Steampunk computer, a nerd lust object: http://j.mp/aSIJpN
08:35 Captcha on @shutterstock had Hebrew letters! Not fair!
08:38 TSA: Rifles are fine, but we're taking those dangerous nail clippers! http://bit.ly/cIjX8L
09:04 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
11:01 RT @ggreenwald: So funny: RT @elliottjustin MSNBC hires former GOP congressman, then suspends him for GOP activism. [The mind boggles.]
12:10 I know it's bacony, but I'm not at all sure about this. http://j.mp/arSQDA


Thursday's Tweets

08:06 RT @ebertchicago: Roger Ailes calls NPR "Nazis." He's an evil, harmful man. http://j.mp/cdJNlJ [Who's more famous for The Big Lie than Fox?]
09:07 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:33 @paulandstorm Harry Potter is long, tedious and ultimately pointless. #makingtrouble
16:27 I want Internet access at home as good as I have at work. Is that too much to ask? Granted, I do work for a networking company...
16:30 @mariancall Oh no! Not another windshield crack! Happened to me two days running in the South in May.


Wednesday's Tweets

09:10 I got 31 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:35 MSFT aces browser benchmark the old fashioned way: by cheating! http://bit.ly/972G4O
09:48 If anybody's looking to get me a holiday present... http://bit.ly/9tAr4r
09:52 "You keep using those letters. I do not think they mean what you think they mean." http://bit.ly/apwqnf
20:22 How could I not have heard of A Klingon Christmas Carol? Must. See. Now. http://bit.ly/cMgTiM


Tuesday's Tweets

06:48 2 PayPal phish attempts this ayem, one from paypali.com, the other claiming (but not really) it's from paypaI.com (with an I). Oh bother.
09:05 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:21 RT @joelmchale: I know nobody has a lot going on so come see me Dec 11 at Sac Memorial Auditorium.  http://bit.ly/cqvbmh [Got my ticket!]
10:32 RT @JohnRossBowie: RT @SethMacFarlane Didn’t support the troops, saw a bumper sticker, now do. [Still looking for that compelling sticker.]
10:50 Jon Stewart on McCain: Spend a year studying whether soldiers deserve civil rights & 30 minutes deciding on your veep. http://bit.ly/bN8Pjg
20:17 RT @ebertchicago: New GOP congressman demands Obamacare for self & to hell with anybody else. http://j.mp/9Ku1Sq [A hypocrite in Congress!]


Monday's Tweets

09:04 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:08 This work thing is really intruding on my tweeting time.
15:06 My work MacBook arrived. So now I get to do all my setup all over again...