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Thursday's Tweets

09:07 I got an image accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:08 Crisis averted. Managed to recover lost video of friend's daughter. Tears were shed before she knew all wasn't lost.
13:02 UT removes name of early Klan leader from dormitory. World can't believe it took this long. http://bit.ly/9JqR05
18:38 Happy birthday to @donttrythis. See you next week at #w00tstockSD!


Wednesday's Tweets

09:10 I got 23 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:54 @VictoriaDahl The iPhone issue isn't bothering me much so far. Get a bumper case, hold it right handed, don't sweat it. Still love mine.
10:56 @VictoriaDahl More likely they'll quietly repair or replace if necessary. They did with my MacBook's disk drive recently, quickly & free.
11:04 An Aussie weighs in on iPhone 4 signal loss with his real world experience. Death grip be damned, he shouts! http://bit.ly/aubXsI
18:43 Off to San Jose Rep to see FDR with the legendary Ed Asner.
23:06 Ed Asner's portrayal of FDR was compelling as hell. He doesn't look like him, but he captured his essence.


Tuesday's Tweets

09:08 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:15 Roman Polanski committed far more heinous acts. So why does Mel Gibson seem the more repulsive individual?
10:24 @VictoriaDahl That depends, Victoria. Which pieces are up for grabs?
10:42 Who the hell let this World War II on television? Totally unbelievable. http://bit.ly/bsCNnm
14:28 @paulandstorm "Cover me; I'm going in." #5wordsbeforesex
17:37 I was enjoying this piece about a Creationist bunch getting slammed by a Texas judge. Then I got to the last line. http://bit.ly/br83sb
18:02 Judge tells the FCC to get fscked. Where's George Carlin when we need him? ttp://j.mp/8ZvATX


Monday's Tweets

08:38 Somebody was having a really bad day. http://twitpic.com/24oz56
09:09 I got 12 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
16:49 "Keep the Negroes Out of Most Classes Where There Are a Large Number of Girls" Race issues at UT: http://huff.to/9uzD4t
16:58 "Meghan McCain Interviewing Snooki Is the Frost-Nixon of Our Time." (How can I possibly improve on that?) http://bit.ly/9w5TlX
17:31 RT @HuffingtonPost: Oil Spill STOPPED? Containment Cap Attempt Appears To Have Halted Oil http://huff.to/bhZMRM [Fool me once...]
18:06 Just got an email from someone in New Zealand, asking if I have AOS software for a DG Eclipse. Last time I touched one was 30 years ago!
19:17 Watching the new, morally ambiguous Murder on the Orient Express on PBS. It asks questions Agatha Christie would never have considered.


Sunday's Tweets

06:42 The @PocketChris photo app from @chrismarquardt is in the App Store. Downloading my copy now.
09:27 Attack To Kill a Mockingbird? Proof you have no soul. http://huff.to/9vQGCV
09:39 Via @ebertchicago, BP wins Sitting Duck award from columnists. Alberto Gonzales won in 07, but no one can remember why. http://bit.ly/b9XZFd
12:35 On my way to Sacramento. Hotel shoot. Wait; didn't I just do one of those?
14:50 Oh god. The heat in Sacramento is brutal. How do people stand it?
19:55 Done shooting with Kaitlyn. Listening to classical music while I check the Interwebs. But time now for dinner at Scott's Seafood.


Saturday's Tweets

07:56 AZ anti-immigrant law not just immoral; it's based on a worsening problem that isn't actually getting worse. http://huff.to/d5502x
11:51 RT @JillSorenson: Lustiness is OK as long as you're sorry later. [And even if you're not.]
11:56 Kids ask why the sky is blue, but do they ever ask why clouds are white? I know I never did. http://bit.ly/9FlmUn
12:04 I'm using twitter from fring – my FREE mobile app for tweets, calls, chats & video calls! Join me on fring http://www.fring.com/twitter
14:16 RT @BreakingNews: 7th lawsuit filed over AZ immigration law: Police training mat'ls too vague, lead to racial profiling http://bit.ly/blcO6S
14:50 Andy Borowitz: Cavaliers Owner Seen Driving to Miami in Astronaut Diaper http://huff.to/cyYWuX
22:12 Back from San Francisco. Shoot with Candace, followed by dinner at Kuleto's.


Friday's Tweets

07:46 Darth Vader on my TomTom GPS was unnerving. But Yoda? Sentence order he has issues with, hmmm? http://bit.ly/cbw09C
16:47 Mitt Romney knows nothing about nuclear treaty, GOP & Dems agree. So where's mainstream media on the story? http://huff.to/aSHBwJ


Thursday's Tweets

07:45 From @ggreenwald: Offend the Right & you're a dead man. Abuse the Left & no one comments. Liberal media my ass. http://is.gd/dk4yG
16:42 Good question: Would Firefly have succeeded if it had a more traditional SF credit sequence? http://bit.ly/dDwKrd (Probably not.)
16:45 Speaking of Firefly, I'd buy this album. If I had a record player. And if it actually existed. http://bit.ly/cNZIfn
19:59 @lomara Isn't that awfully wide angle for baseball?


Wednesday's Tweets

11:14 @billprady Occasional Wife
11:14 @billprady Sorry; that was a TV series.
14:12 @billprady Lover Come Back with Rock Hudson & Doris Day http://imdb.to/9CwobV
16:16 Tweeting can be hazardous to your employment, especially when the subject is the Middle East. http://bit.ly/caR3US
20:43 @paulandstorm If you like Knowing Me, Knowing You, try to find a copy of Phenomenon. http://imdb.to/cTEwzN
21:27 Guns in church: yet another reason for me to stay the hell away.


Tuesday's Tweets

07:41 Prince announces that the Internet is "so over", like MTV. Internet says "I know you are but what am I?" http://bit.ly/aYSBQb
09:27 NV TP nutbag Sharron Angle uses copyright claim to stop voters from seeing her old/real political positions as she moves to the center.
11:51 Tweetie's unable to get through to Twitter. Fortunately, there are other apps that are unaffected so far.
13:26 Female staff of The Daily Show respond to Jezebel's charges of sexism. Short version: nuh unh! http://bit.ly/aSljVb
20:33 Finally removed our monthly blogger Meetup from my calendar. Drinking (iced) coffee on my own is fun and all, but I can do that any time.
20:55 @MsCaliLogan Jeeze, what a gracious guy.


Monday's Tweets

09:06 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
16:05 RT @VictoriaDahl: I'm back from vacation and honored & pleased to announce that I've found the land of my people: http://twitpic.com/22rqwa
16:57 Took a long drive through the hills south of Livermore. Passed by Casa de Fruta, where I learned of Romano Ranch flavor pistachios. Yum.
19:16 http://dead.atyourage.com says I've outlived Will Rogers. Must be that whole "not flying around Alaska in small planes" thing.
23:05 There really are college courses in underwater basket weaving. I was sure it was just a punchline. UCSD says otherwise. http://bit.ly/aNiuS0


Sunday's Tweets

08:24 RT @nprscottsimon: Happy 4th of July to all. Cannot wait to see fireworks on Nat'l Mall. They're strapping a Roman Candle on Michael Steele!
17:16 Stopped at Golden Gate Cemetery to take Lensbaby pictures. Getting a little better. Maybe. http://twitpic.com/22ijy6


Saturday's Tweets

09:10 I got 50 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:56 Every time the mainstream media refuses to call waterboarding torture, a kitten dies. I mean you, NYT & NPR. http://bit.ly/bKBEOO
11:43 RT @neilhimself: If they outlaw Nutella, only outlaws will have Nutella. http://bit.ly/bnrYjt
14:56 More time with my Nikon D80 & Lensbaby. Possibly less crappy pictures than yesterday's.
19:30 The Swedish Chef makes Pöpcørn. I love Pöpcørn! With closed captioning! http://bit.ly/c5Cpeb
21:42 Somebody not too far away is fireworking in earnest. Lots of distant booms.


Friday's Tweets

08:32 Dell learns what every politician discovers: it's the coverup, not the screwup, that gets you every time. http://bit.ly/bBMUVK
08:36 AZ Gov claims illegals are going around beheading people. It's like she wants to kill tourism dead. http://bit.ly/d4IA7Y
09:07 On waterboarding as torture, NYT calls a spade an entrenching tool. That's called balance. http://bit.ly/bFWpb4
16:09 Shooting at Mission San Juan Bautista with my Lensbaby. Strange and liberating to know all the pictures will be crap. Which they were.


Thursday's Tweets

08:20 "Politically, Meg Whitman isn't a fascist, or anything else. She's just a creep." http://huff.to/bKDYjz
08:35 Software deciphers dead language in hours, giving new insights into biblical-era civilization. http://bit.ly/9LmH92
09:15 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:41 @billprady The latest on the iPhone 4 antenna issue. It's real but manageable. http://bit.ly/aDVD7n
13:56 Listen, eBay. Just because I bought a couple of lens hoods doesn't mean I want any more. And hoods for Canon lenses are right out, m'kay?
15:03 "I don't understand how someone who turned the crucifixion and resurrection of his Savior into capitalist torture porn could stoop so low."
19:19 New Futurama ep parodies the iPhone. Leela's butt has a singing boil named Susan. It's hairy. And Scottish. Get it?
22:55 Just caught an ad for Microsoft's Kin. I guess they didn't get the word in time, huh?


Wednesday's Tweets

07:29 Off to SF for a shoot this morning, with Young Frankenstein the musical this afternoon.
09:07 I got 40 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:15 Shoot done. Lunch done. Now killing time at the SF Apple Store before I head to the Golden Gate Theatre. Mel Brooks awaits.
15:24 Young Frankenstein is fun but too close to the movie.Spamalot was more creative.Bet Joss would have turned out something amazing from this.
18:30 RT @CarolynCrane: Congrats to @BarryEisler - INSIDE OUT is a staff pick in the email I just got from the Sony Reader store. Way to go!
22:18 RT @5tevenw: Twilight's like the #worldcup. They run around for 2 hours, nobody scores, & its billion fans insist you just don't understand.


Tuesday's Tweets

05:59 @WendiDarlin Does this mean you've caught the iPhone madness, Wendi? I've never found you more attractive!
06:03 Via @ggreenwald, Matt Taibbi on why we can't believe a single damn thing Lara Logan will ever report. Ever. http://is.gd/d8KeK
06:04 RT @ebertchicago: Senator Jon Kyl (R-AZ) slams Thurgood Marshall for "unshakable determination to protect the underdog." His exact words.
07:14 Inside Out by @barryeisler goes on sale today. Worth it for the author photo alone.
09:03 RT @wilw: I had a wonderful dream last night that #w00stock San Diego sold out. http://bit.ly/w00tstockSD [I did my part, Wil.]
09:13 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:31 RT @jaciburton: @SmartBitches The hymen is located behind the vuvuzela. [Who says the Internets aren't educational?]
10:34 Inside Out readers: I'm happy to autograph the author photo for you. (Yes, I'm gonna milk this thing as long as I can. Why do you ask?)
11:25 A Marine who knows her weighs in on Elena Kagen's alleged anti-military bias. http://is.gd/d92Hf
12:46 RT @drtiki: Flash is the new Betamax.
14:22 Back from playing guinea pig for a social media study run by HP. Got an Amazon certificate for my trouble. Think that's why they're down?
17:30 Dan Fogelberg channel on Pandora serving up The Police & Fleetwood Mac. Well played, Pandora.
19:22 At Kepler's in Menlo Park, waiting for @barryeisler to do his author thing. http://yfrog.com/1r2v5ej
19:40 Barry speaks! http://yfrog.com/jbmumcj
19:42 Still speaking. http://yfrog.com/1s78jj


Monday's Tweets

14:06 Got a ticket for Thu at #SDCC. I mean, as long as I'm going to be there for #w00tstock, I may as well.
15:09 1.7 million iPhone 4s (iPhones 4?) sold in three days? No wonder my line was so insanely long.
15:34 @MonicaKaye Worth standing in line for 8.5 hours? Probably not. But I love my iPhone 4, and I don't regret wasting a whole day to get it.
17:25 A little movie shot and edited on an iPhone 4. Stunning. http://vimeo.com/12819723
20:13 Our entry in the 48 Hour Film Project: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sLwnhjC-IhA


Sunday's Tweets

08:28 2 days before its release, Inside Out makes the @truthout home page. http://bit.ly/czxts5 @barryeisler
12:10 @devans00 No idea, but I'd expect to see more phones on Friday at the earliest. Very happy with mine. Very very.
12:11 Car washed, so now to get some lunch before I meet my model for today's shoot.
14:09 My conclusion after 3 days: the iPhone 4 is so good, it makes my old 3G suck retroactively by comparison. And I loved my old 3G.
14:42 @truedeadman I may be seeing the antenna issue if the signal's weak. But shifting my hand a little helps. Still better than my old iPhone.
20:58 Four hours shooting an English redhead. Rough life.
22:04 Hotel Internet is $9.95 for 24 hours or $69.95 for 7 days. Anybody else see a problem with that?


Saturday's Tweets

09:44 American Airlines wants its planes to carry less fuel & make pilots do paperwork to get more. Gee, what could go wrong? http://bit.ly/ap3wbl
12:14 Stopped at the Palo Alto Apple Store to get a spare battery for my phone. Their line was 4 hours on Thursday. Wish I'd known.
13:36 @devans00 No line today. No iPhones, aside from the display models, so I just walked straight in.
14:14 So does this mean we can go back to ignoring soccer for another four years?
15:50 RT @chrismarquardt: Awesome little iPhone gadget: iPlunge! http://j.mp/c3Qtjn [That brought a smile to my face.]
16:08 @scapersuse "Revenge is a dish best served with pinto beans and muffins!" #Freakazoid!


Friday's Tweets

12:30 @VictoriaDahl For what it's worth, Victoria, I'm not seeing any signal problems on my new iPhone, no matter how I hold it.
12:31 @JustaSunGod Would that be suffering succotash?
16:19 24 hours of iPhone 4: one complaint is that it keeps sliding off surfaces I'm used to keeping my old iPhone. Too slippery for its own good.
16:37 In 4 days one of my photos will be in bookstores everywhere! Some book called Upside Down. No, that's not it. Inside Out! @barryeisler
16:45 RT @barryeisler: @disorderly If the book does well, everyone will say it was all just the photograph. Sniff. [That's what I'm hoping for.]
18:18 Hey, @decoder_ring! Did you know that there really *is* such a thing as a red panda? http://bit.ly/choqzT


Thursday's Tweets

07:03 Off to the Apple Store at Valley Fair. Wonder what the line will be like at this hour.
07:32 This line goes halfway around the mall. Disneyland doesn't have lines this long.
07:37 All this for a phone? Wowzers. http://yfrog.com/75jyrj
08:10 @meatflag Actually, it's a little of both.
08:49 Twitter's awfully quiet thus morning. Is everybody on iPhone lines?
10:57 3.5 hours on line. At least two more.
16:25 Final score: 8.5 hours to get my new iPhone and get away from the mall. Was it worth it? Ask me after the phone activates.
16:26 Thanks to Cheesecake Factory, Starbucks & Apple for the drinks and snacks all day in line. Didn't even mind missing breakfast & lunch.
17:13 @lomara Mine took about 20 minutes to activate. I imagine it depends on how taxed the activation servers are.


Wednesday's Tweets

07:28 This time tomorrow I'll be in line at the Apple Store.
09:31 I got 2 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:56 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Daleks. I miss Douglas Adams. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWn_1yOFpfU
15:09 RT @BonesMcCoy: I want to trade in my communicator for an iPhone 4 but Spock won't let me. This must be how Verizon customers feel.
18:17 Highway Patrol had all the northbound onramps blocked on 280. WTF?
18:21 Having a quick dinner before I see our 48 Hour Film on a real screen. How exciting!
23:47 Our 48 Hour Film turned out surprisingly well. Audience reaction was interesting. They ooohed and laughed at some curious places.


Tuesday's Tweets

08:11 @VictoriaDahl Don't get the problem from your description. Do you want to email the formulas? Or even the whole spreadsheet w/o data?
09:16 I got 4 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:59 Taking a little break in Napa. Reminding myself how much I like the bubbles at Mumm.
17:45 If all those SF air & spacecraft were real: http://www.scifiairshow.com/


Monday's Tweets

09:09 Huckabee wants to ban gay marriage 'cuz it's icky. Would he keep ugly people from getting married too? http://bit.ly/9frGQG
10:18 Email promises my iPhone will be waiting for me at the Apple Store on the 24th. AT&T even let me in to verify the price. C'mon, Thursday!
11:01 @alwayscoffee Not a great joke, I grant. But it's a pun. The heel of the loaf of bread inspired the dog to heel. Or so I assume.
11:06 iOS is here! Starting the download now; I figure if it borks my phone, I'll have a new one in 72 hours or so...
11:08 @alwayscoffee It's twoo, Ali! As usual, Wikipedia knows and tells all. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread (Search for "heel".)
13:55 RT @ebertchicago: The Ed Wood Jr. Players, a set of collectors' cards. http://j.mp/9KxY8Z [These are brilliant!]
14:00 Upgrade to iOS 4.0 took quite a while. Almost ready to take it for a spin.
14:45 iPhone's new OS is fine, but not as fine as a new phone will be. Just 65 hours to go...
17:06 ThinkGeek apologizes (sort of) for confusing pork consumers with its "New White Meat" canned unicorn product. http://bit.ly/bhUJNf
18:00 RT @twitter: Retweet this & @Bing will donate $10 to @CNN's Gulf Telethon up to $100K. More at http://bit.ly/howtodonate. #BingforGulf


Sunday's Tweets

09:03 I got 16 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:28 Survived yesterday's 48 Hour Film shoot in Danville. But just barely; who knew it could be so cold two days before the start of summer?
17:19 Finally convinced myself that driving down to San Diego for #w00tstock was a wee bit insane. So I'm Southwesting it instead.
20:30 RT @ebertchicago: Steele to Obama, no more ball games until the oil stops. Me to Steele: And that goes for bondage clubs and cheap shots.
21:40 RT @paulandstorm: [P] Good Lord. Stick with this until the 3:30 mark...http://bit.ly/avEj0f [This is fweakin' awesome.]


Saturday's Tweets

10:11 There are more painful activities than trying to buy tickets on my phone. There are, right?
10:15 Despite the best efforts of AT&T's free WiFi at MacDonald's, I managed to order my ticket for #w00tstock at SDCC. I prevailed!
10:18 RT @austinlouisray: In which I explain what #w00tstock is and present five reasons why you absolutely can't miss it: http://bit.ly/drdXvJ
12:40 Watching the actors rum through our movie script. Fascinating.


Friday's Tweets

06:40 RT @maddow: TRMS staff watching World Cup today - serving misconstrudel in honor of Rep. Barton. [Puns, Rachel? I'm shocked!]
07:00 Joe Biden speaks his mind about Rep. Barton's shakedown remark. Good stuff. http://bit.ly/adyhKq (Via @JackieKessler & @dianarowland)
09:15 I got 38 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:30 @JewelStaite If you were on hand Thu night for #w00tstock, it would truly be nerdvana. @paulandstorm
14:54 @paulandstorm @wilw I'd certainly like to know. Not that it'll change anything; I'll get my ticket as soon as they go on sale. #w00tstock
14:54 @gruber And don't you feel like a doofus for RTing it?
16:53 Just back from picking up my camera. Its sensor is all shiny and clean, and its viewfinder all seethroughable.
17:37 RT @billamend: Artsy rotoscoped animation meets Big Bang Theory...cool! http://www.nunub.com/ [As pointless as it is beautiful.]


Thursday's Tweets

09:09 I got 20 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:56 David Pogue likes everything about Sprint's Evo except actually trying to use it. Not at all ready for prime time. http://nyti.ms/b4XzDy
13:42 The problem with Android may not get solved by better hardware after all. http://bit.ly/aa4SVc
14:33 http://joebartonwouldliketoapologize.com for all sorts of things.
15:01 RT @ebertchicago: Urgent to Barton: If you said it and they understood it, they didn't "misconstrue" it. You misconscrewed it up.
18:31 @ebertchicago Saw Matinee at an SF con years ago with Joe Dante in attendance. His love for the film (& the film within) was obvious.
18:50 Just got my marching orders for the 48 Hour Film Project. Gonna be an interesting weekend.
19:49 @Decoder_Ring @ebertchicago http://twitpic.com/1xp1ix - The Elongated Man: stretchiness by gingold. http://bit.ly/aTxXIs


Wednesday's Tweets

09:05 Weird text msg claiming to be from AT&T. Must be a scam; AT&T wouldn't do such a thing. Or couldn't. One of those.
09:09 I got 34 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
10:41 Post excoriating the president of the Catholic League includes an ad for Scientology. My irony meter is pegged. http://huff.to/9Vtyk0
12:09 RT @petersagal: Vote for Carl! Now! Everybody! http://tinyurl.com/2589l8v [As a Wait Wait fan, how could I not?]
14:29 Seriously, Nokia. Could you possibly have made this phone uglier? http://bit.ly/aGXSvQ
15:48 Via @lomara, I am suddenly nostalgic for the days of vinyl. Well, except for the sound quality. http://bit.ly/afyhfl
15:49 The link in my last post include a link to the darker side of vinyl: http://bit.ly/bMemLI