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Friday's Tweets

08:10 Jon Stewart to Fox News: "I've said it before & I'll say it again: go fuck yourselves."
10:43 @BONESonFOX Gotta be Robert Englund as the incredibly creepy janitor. Figures he'd be Bones's best/only friend in HS.
14:21 In the studio, shooting & helping my friend Bill with his documentary. Rough way to spend a Friday.
17:55 Wanna understand Tea Partiers? This is all you need to know. http://bit.ly/ab3agb
17:56 If Apple's a monopoly or becomes one, it's not Microsoft and never will be. http://bit.ly/dgzzB7
17:59 Really, Mike? RIM CEO says users are abandoning touch screen devices like the iPhone & iPad. http://bit.ly/cksaoz
22:19 Listen to @ebertchicago explain why video games are not and can never be art. His argument compels. http://bit.ly/8ZZ5ut


Thursday's Tweets

08:50 A full night's sleep for the first time in a while. Now at the dentist for my semiannual torture session.
09:11 I got 24 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
16:21 There's someone in Congress more blatantly stupid than Michele Bachmann? Really? So says Joe Conason: http://bit.ly/9wVA5s
16:29 Email from PayPal says I'm a Top Customer! Yes, it's real. And yes, I'm wondering if I should be flattered or worried. Possibly both.
17:06 My Six Word Memoir: Shooting lingerie shows is hard work.
17:13 RT @ggreenwald: After viewing this video, no minimally honest person could ever deny that Fox News is a cesspool of lies: http://is.gd/buGSh
21:07 Had drinks with my favorite salescritter this evening. That she's blonde & pretty isn't why she's my favorite. Okay, not the only reason.
21:28 RT @ebertchicago: Off-topic sign at today's Tea Party rally in Chicago. http://twitpic.com/1fx67b [Hee!]
22:02 RT @paulandstorm: [P] "This guy's a sociopath. His three 'nephews' live with him. *Nobody* wears pants. But they're ducks, so it's okay."
22:03 RT @paulandstorm: [P] "A six foot cat shows up, opens a box with two dudes in it, and everything goes to shit. I'm *so* high right now."
22:08 BTW, my dentist has a digital x-ray setup. 3D modeling and everything. So cool it almost makes me regret not following my dad's advice.
23:05 @richcirminello Sounds like fun. Sadly, my time machine's in the shop. But if you have any shoots in the future, let me know.


Wednesday's Tweets

07:28 RT @iwatchTVshows: Sarah Palin demands bendable straws as a part of her speaking contracts. The bendable truth you get for free.
08:11 Latest ep of Mr. Deity agrees with my view of the all powerful whatsit. Or I agree with it. Whatever. http://mrdeity.com/
09:11 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:48 Ad buyers think Sarah Palin's show on TLC is crap. Guess this is a Learning (Channel) experience for Discovery. http://huff.to/a70NlY
10:16 Gizmodo rants about Apple idiocy on the iPad, but turns out Apple aren't the idiots. http://bit.ly/cDrhTb
12:19 Off to Costco to replace a failing hard drive. But first, a Double-Double at In-N-Out.
12:45 @devans00 They have chilis at In-N-Out? How did I not know this?
14:10 @counternotions Hell yeah. There are good reasons for big sensors & big lenses. Folks still use medium format, and that's bigger than DSLRs.
14:15 @counternotions Problem is that smaller sensors can't do things like shallow depth of field. I'd hate to give that up.
14:32 @counternotions I'll bet you a dollar you're wrong. Not that I'd mind your being right.
14:33 Catholic Church blames gays, Jews, pretty much anybody but pedophile priests and their own leadership. http://bit.ly/9O4ahC
16:05 @CaliLewis We can get those at Cost Plus. They make a dark chocolate version as well. Kind of yummy, although I prefer the chili chocolate.
16:41 Took a few tries, but my failing drive lasted long enough to copy everything to the new one. Saves me restoring from other sources.
17:03 Media celeb announces major life change on Twitter. All the Google ads on her blog are about divorce. You do the math.
17:23 That embarrassing Gizmodo story about Kindle on the iPad that I tweeted earlier? The one they corrected? Now they've deleted it entirely.
19:50 RT @Decoder_Ring: All-new Pulp Radio Thrills! Red Panda Adventures: Eyes of the Idol. Get it free at www.decoderringtheatre.com [Love them!]
20:40 @billprady You have to admit, @wilw makes for one heck of an evil character. Poor Leonard. Poor Penny.
22:47 RT @janewiedlin: RT @whisper1111: Sarah Palin only wants to be president for the opportunity to club the presidential seal. (SNAP!)


Tuesday's Tweets

09:01 Leaving Las Vegas today, but in a Shue-less and not suicidy way. But first a wander around the lingerie show.
12:55 AT&T has great signal but no data at LV airport. Sucks. Back now, at least for the moment
13:07 Disney hates photgraphers. And i hate Disney. http://tinyurl.com/y6bf3nk
16:17 Back in the Bay Area. On BART, headed to my car.
19:37 RT @KateRothwell: "Mississippi has highest death rate in USA." without specifics. Actually every state has the same death rate: 100%


Monday's Tweets

00:53 Entertaining evening at The Bank at Bellagio. When does the ringing stop?
08:54 Two interesting pieces on iPhone development. Vs. Adobe: http://bit.ly/bOFNg0 Vs. Open Source: http://bit.ly/aoo9zV
09:47 Short on sleep. Hoping a garbage omelet with jalapeo will help. Need more coffee...
11:47 I think I just walked by @donttrythis at Bellagio.
13:13 Walking away from the roulette table. Ahead, believe it or not.
15:55 At the International Lingerie Show. It's good to have friends in high places.
17:16 Watching fashion show rehearsal. I'll get to photograph the real thing. (Wrote thong instead of thing, which does apply.)


Saturday's Tweets

19:14 Long day shooting in the hotel & at Red Rock Canyon. Can't wait to start editing.


Friday's Tweets

08:10 With Justice Stevens retiring, can't wait for Repugs to denounce anyone not a right wing nutjob. A moderate will shift court further right.
08:30 Tea Partiers don't really hate govt spending; just govt spending that doesn't benefit them. Hypocritical much? http://bit.ly/9m5c2H
09:15 @renatojr_rj Nuts? More fond of melons myself. And cupcakes. Definitely cupcakes.
10:20 Good day for a trip. Think I'll head to SFO & see where I go from there.
13:45 On the plane. Full flight; I guess Vegas is a popular place on weekends.
15:56 On a shuttle to the Rio. Short ride takes longer than the flight.


Thursday's Tweets

08:23 @paulandstorm Maybe they haven't migrated back north yet. Oh, wait; I thought you said Canadian *geese*. @wilw
09:46 RT @barryeisler: At CIA, they taught me Deny Everything, Admit Nothing, Make Counteraccusations. Was the Pope in my class?
10:12 Following Apple's iPhone OS announcement on Twitter. Isn't technology marvelous?
10:59 Young Frankenstein is coming to San Francisco end of June. Just got my ticket.
11:10 So no multitasking for my old iPhone 3G. Good thing I planned to upgrade whenever they announce the next model.
13:46 Returned the Windows laptop I borrowed for yesterday's presentation. How long before the cooties dissipate?
14:52 Parking & boarding passes printed. Off to Vegas tomorrow afternoon. There will be photography and other entertainments.
18:30 Lesbian Bondage Fiasco? Is that anything like Lesbian Spank Inferno? (Daily Show meets Coupling.)
20:34 RT @paulandstorm: [S] There once was a girl from Nantucket / She hated limericks.


Wednesday's Tweets

05:51 Awake too early. I have a client presentation at 9. Hope I can stay awake for it. Hope they can too.
08:09 RT @daynal: I have learned that age doesn't necessarily equal maturity. [I'm so glad to hear it.]
11:14 Presentation is done. Talked for 2 hours to an invisible & mostly unheard audience. Forgotten how weird that feels.
14:37 OMG! It's unboxing porn, iPad style! http://bit.ly/d4x24B
17:10 jetBlue mocks Spirit Air's charge for carry-on bag with the Extrago Sherpa Shirt. So fashionable! http://bit.ly/dCBVm1
18:02 RT @mattyglesias: BREAKING: VA governor now agrees that slavery was bad. [Now if we could only agree about torture.]
21:09 iStock makes me feel creative and challenged. #iStock10


Tuesday's Tweets

07:14 I just got some FREE music from Pageant Music. You can download it here: https://www.noisetrade.com/pageantmusic
08:25 "Women arrested in U.K. for taking corpse onto plane." What more is there to say? http://bit.ly/9oFK3k
08:41 Dr. Horrible as an 8 bit video game. Pointless & clever at the same time. http://bit.ly/cLUAUd
09:31 Spirit Air charges $45 if you carry a bag on. Add them to the list of airlines that'll never get a dime from me. http://bit.ly/98ipBt
10:37 GOP Senator dares to be honest at town hall about health care, Pelosi & Fox News. Yeah, I'm shocked too. http://bit.ly/aoxgpF
16:30 RT @chrismarquardt: Every time I fire up Parallels and start Windows XP, I feel a little dirty. [And well you should. Better than Win7.]
18:26 Watching last night's Colbert. Dean Kamen is a genuine American hero. http://bit.ly/cdGU3T
19:27 Sitting alone at the Meetup, latte in hand. Bloggers, where art thou?
19:32 Another sign of the coming apocalypse? http://tinyurl.com/ycm2d6v
23:08 Why do I love @istock? Because they make my photography better, even as they make me money. #iStock10


Monday's Tweets

06:18 Clay Shirky on why complexity leads to collapse, & what that means for business. http://bit.ly/bF3vvW
06:29 A much earlier Shirky piece on why a world of choice picks a power distribution of relative winners & losers. http://bit.ly/MTY92
09:28 Broker finally sent updated 1099. Taxes done and submitted. One less thing to agonize over.
09:43 Halfway thru 2 yrs of @paulandstorm podcasts and I found this piece on the whole P&S & @jonathancoulton thing. http://bit.ly/ceKhN9
10:00 Don't press that button! Instant regret after accidentally deleting one's Twitter account. No, not mine... http://huff.to/bFylju
11:50 Think I'll wander over to the mall for lunch and to test drive an iPad. But not buying, at least not today.
13:58 My verdict on the iPad, 'cuz I'm sure you're dying to know. Heavier than I expected, a little awkward to hold. But I want one! So much!
14:23 RT @chrismarquardt: Just in case you still have doubts about the iPad's capabilities: http://bit.ly/cLgnvp [Holy shit! Amazing!]
18:29 RT @ebertchicago: RT @raypride: RT @GregMitch: Sports headline of the day from NYT: "Hooters Patrons Not Focused Entirely on Woods."
19:36 RT @iwatchTVshows: I suspect the Taco Bell food engineers just sit around making bets with each other about what they can get people to eat.


Sunday's Tweets

08:28 RT @JohnRossBowie: And then the bunny rose from the dead. Wait, no, that's not it ... [Losing my religion. Okay, not *my* religion.]
08:50 Back to WonderCon today. Should I bring my camera? Lots of steampunk to document, after all.
08:58 RT @wikifacts: Hashtags on Twitter are used to label tweets. Hashtags in real life are used by stoners to label their weed. [Good to know.]
09:07 @hezmanagirl # means pound? I thought meant pound. # is sharp. Or hash. Or maybe pound, if your computer can't do .
09:11 RT @hezmanagirl: # is the weight pound. At least in medical filing lingo. [Learn something new every day.]
09:19 @hezmanagirl I keep the Character Viewer in my menu bar. You can search by glyph name. Go to the Keyboard System Pref & check the box.
13:38 Someone walking by at WonderCon really thought I was Spielberg. Not a joke!
14:08 Quick chat with SF writer David Gerrold of tribble fame.
19:29 The day minding Virginia Hey at WonderCon was lots of fun. Talked Joss with a Browncoat, talked photography, talked iPhone. Worth the rain.
20:34 RT @CAquake: ADMIN: Apologies for the deluge of tweets today. We don't mean to spam you, but we're not exactly in control.
22:29 RT @ebertchicago: http://twitpic.com/1dcdeu - This is your brain on Peeps.


Saturday's Tweets

05:33 Peeps sushi? That's just so wrong. http://bit.ly/cPdR33
08:19 The most beautiful subway pictures you'll ever see. And suddenly I'm dying to travel again. http://bit.ly/9NMilJ
08:27 Vatican priest compares the grief they're getting over abuse coverup to anti-semitism. Talk about denial. http://huff.to/aaro4p
09:05 I sold 14 images today through @shutterstock! My gallery is here: http://tinyurl.com/yl54bfe
11:14 Big line in front of Palo Alto Apple Store. Even a news truck! What's going on?
15:41 Greetings from Wondercon! http://yfrog.com/1fci1j
21:55 iFixit tears apart an iPad. Geek alert: the 3G version is model number A1337. If you don't get it, you aren't one. http://bit.ly/bynvLU


Friday's Tweets

07:14 What to say about a friend getting his own trading card? Romance writers are weird, but I bet you knew that. http://bit.ly/daU9Zt
09:06 I sold 13 images today through @shutterstock! My gallery is here: http://tinyurl.com/yl54bfe
10:41 On my way to Moscone for Wondercon. Wondering if I should...
17:11 Back from Wondercon. Miserable drive down 280 in the rain. But it was worth it to visit with Virginia Hey and her keeper, Jean.
17:17 @VictoriaDahl I know I'm late (blame Wondercon), but I vote #1. If you could get the slight smile from #3, you'd have a winner.
17:43 Passover means yet another run of The Ten Commandments. Did you know it was an anticommunist rant? I didn't. http://huff.to/aK3TcB
19:05 My first experience with Windows 7 on a borrowed laptop. What the *frell* were they thinking?
19:33 RT @ebertchicago: Molly Ivins on a Pat Buchanan speech: "It probably sounded better in the original German."


Thursday's Tweets

06:47 It has bunnies! Muppet bunnies! http://bit.ly/9QtcEU
07:31 RT @JohnRossBowie: kinda wishes Sexual Assault Awareness Month didn't coincide with April Fools. Seems like a recipe for trouble.
09:06 I sold 26 images today through @shutterstock! My gallery is here: http://tinyurl.com/yl54bfe
09:55 Best April 1st post: Thom Hogan gives useful Nikon advice. http://www.bythom.com/
10:39 Did anyone else notice that in joint appearance in AZ, Sarah Palin talked forever and John McCain's lips never moved once? Impressive.
11:01 Thank you, ThinkGeek! How did you know? http://bit.ly/d78Tv8
16:13 My modeling http://bit.ly/dwD7t6 is finally gettin' some R-E-S-P-E-C-T. http://bit.ly/aM6Vpl
20:39 The Macalope presents his list of the April Fools of Apple tech press. So entertainingly wrong. http://bit.ly/buXjQO


Wednesday's Tweets

08:10 If Pixar had made Terminator... http://bit.ly/aAVfUZ
08:47 Galactic Empire State of Mind - Star Wars, but entertaining. http://bit.ly/dazcia
09:02 For every photographer who has upgrade fever, including yours truly: http://bit.ly/cGI5xa
09:30 The genius that is French cinema. Or maybe not. http://bit.ly/ck45FX
10:44 A play about Molly Ivins? This I want to see. That woman was brilliant! http://huff.to/9ixFdp
11:16 Teabonics: When Tea Partiers collide with Engrish, the result isn't pretty. http://bit.ly/cftDGa
11:41 Sarah Palin interview with LL Cool J for her new Fox show? It was from 2008, not with her, and now not on the show. http://bit.ly/c6Yu7u
12:17 Just added @paulandstorm's podcast to my iTunes collection. They're talking about cat poop. I'm hoping that's an outlier.
12:46 Storm of @paulandstorm assures me poop jokes are only an occasional feature of their podcast. Good to know.
15:10 MI militia crazy all upset about govt bill that doesn't say anything like what she said it says. Got Snopes? Google? http://bit.ly/9o6HIC
17:59 RT @ebertchicago: http://twitpic.com/1c9ok4 - Depressing sign on outskirts of Austrian village known for its great Fucking Beer.
20:24 RT @janewiedlin: If u click on no other links today, check this one. Dog Bless the Pastafarians! http://bit.ly/boNv9b
20:24 RT @janewiedlin: My friend who attended college w one of Palin's SIX, says "She's a boozy, shit-stirring dropout". Huh. Who knew?


Tuesday's Tweets

08:38 Classic arcade game show in Santa Clara in July. Everything's on free play! http://www.caextreme.org/
08:43 End of March & still no 1099 from my brokerage. Soon, they promise. Sure hope the IRS'll be gentle with me...
08:44 @renatojr_rj We need to talk about your definition of taking it easy.
09:07 I got 70 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
09:14 Are you *sure* this is how Ansel Adams got started? http://yfrog.com/j3slsj
10:05 Taxing tanning salons is racist 'cuz black people don't use 'em. http://bit.ly/bo2s2h (Wow. Just wow.)
13:52 The SCO trial is over. Jury finds SCO never had Unix copyrights, so what were they threatening Linux users with? http://bit.ly/bXg5Gm
14:32 @HappyTinfoilCat Seven years. Makes you wonder if Linus Torvalds broke a mirror or something.
15:41 Gotcha, sucka! 53 attendees at Glenn Beck event in FL have cars towed. Not true they were in the cars at the time. http://bit.ly/9BcQUU
17:00 I hope this email exchange is real. Assholier than thou types need their comeuppance. http://bit.ly/9vEyq6
19:31 Roger Ebert disses Nicholas Sparks. Just one more reason to love @ebertchicago. http://j.mp/baM4ui
19:47 Ten Plagues finger puppets? How did I miss this? Thank you, Steven Colbert! http://huff.to/d3gwLl
20:09 My stock photos seem so ordinary compared to this: http://bit.ly/aU0IDK
20:33 RT @Margoandhow: Earth to Sarah Palin: It was not helpful to say at the Arizona rally that John McCain was at the ORIGINAL Tea Party. [Hee!]


Monday's Tweets

08:41 RT @JohnRossBowie: RNC Chairman Steele spent $1900 at a bondage club. Sadly, he did not keep the ball gag. http://tinyurl.com/ybykqcw
10:58 Preordering the iPad: we're not zealots; we've just come to expect great stuff! http://bit.ly/ae5TF3 [And no, I haven't ordered one. Yet.]
11:04 15 years ago, MSFT foisted Bob on an unwilling world. And the world threw it right back. Clippy, we hardly knew ye. http://bit.ly/b4rsyP
12:23 RT @ebertchicago: "You have porn on your computer!" The fake scareware scam. http://j.mp/dvGcxJ [Yet another reason to avoid Windows.]
16:54 George Takei plays a TV tech in an ad for Sharp. Do they really need to tag it as an Actor Portrayal? Really?
18:05 @VictoriaDahl How could you, Victoria? I thought you were saving yourself for me! (Photographically, I mean.)
18:16 @VictoriaDahl I guess I'll let it slide this time. But next time I wanna watch.


Sunday's Tweets

08:16 "Comparing Battlefield Earth to a train wreck isn't really fair to train wrecks, because people want to watch those." http://bit.ly/bgHbaB
08:23 Photographer confronted by security weenies, told in pictures: http://bit.ly/9ecnpS
09:06 I got 19 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
19:39 2 shoots today: recreating classic Hollywood portraits, and a much more modern shoot with Shelby. Let the editing begin.
19:52 Frank Rich explains Right Wing rage: it's about white people denying the inevitable change in the face of America. http://nyti.ms/9BnhH4


Saturday's Tweets

14:17 Editing photos from Lake Del Valle. Starting to love Livermore, at least while it's still green. Aching legs from all the walking.
14:19 For the record, count me as a Jew who agrees with Obama & Biden on Israel & the settlements. http://bit.ly/9bp1O2
14:25 Blog comment made reference to Reich Wingers. Very good, especially as their actions evoke memories of Kristallnacht. http://bit.ly/2nYPku
14:26 And don't call Obama a Nazi. Obama's no Nazi, and neither was Abner Ravenwood.
22:45 The only problem with crab cioppino is that the aroma lingers. Pity my fellow photographers at tomorrow's shoot.


Friday's Tweets

07:57 RT @ebertchicago: Decoder ring theater. The Masked Marvel is standing by. http://j.mp/97B8AP [Roger's a @Decoder_Ring fan? Me too!]
08:22 Right wing nutjob who called for bricks through Dem offices over health care votes? Dude lives on govt handouts. http://bit.ly/dgp2HF
09:09 I got 33 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
12:43 How ironic is it that a report about molestation in the Catholic Church is bylined by Roger Boyes? http://bit.ly/bGAlwL
15:44 @VictoriaDahl If it's not what I think, then what is it? @barryeisler
16:49 Am I the only one who read this headline as "the old gang bang"? http://bit.ly/cPtkKE (Must. Delete. Mental. Image.)
22:14 @reduced Suck? Your podcasts most certainly do not suck. Not even a little.


Thursday's Tweets

09:10 I got 53 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
15:23 It seems GOP Rep Cantor's claim his office was attacked was an exaggeration at best and a damn lie at worst. http://bit.ly/dcw7Cd
17:27 What can you learn about a place and a culture in two days? Quite a bit, if you're David Weinberger in Saudi Arabia. http://bit.ly/d4Zui5
21:42 Weird. I've had one of those dreams. A bunch of times, in fact. http://xkcd.com/719/


Wednesday's Tweets

08:11 Now the Birther Queen's suing because HCR interferes with her Right to practice dentistry. Would you let this woman near you with a probe?
08:33 RT @ebertchicago: Sarah uses "reload," "cross-hairs," "targeted" and "aim" in message about Health Care. Hate speech? http://j.mp/dksCVB
09:07 I got 44 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
13:55 Bad news: my photo shoot for Saturday was canceled. Good news: I can overindulge on crab cioppino with my friends instead.
14:09 Had Thai for lunch today. Really need to do that more often.
16:43 CNN's Sanchez & Blitzer finally get that not everyone thought HCR was too much. (Many think it's too little.) These are news people?
17:48 Pro photographer Thom Hogan on hyperfocal distance and why sharpness isn't always such a good thing. Fascinating. http://bit.ly/aDFo5N


Tuesday's Tweets

09:09 I got 36 images accepted to @shutterstock today! Check out my gallery here: http://tinyurl.com/ltgjp5
14:04 Via @paulandstorm, presented without comment: http://twitpic.com/1ahqwt
15:07 RT @wilw: This media obsession about Biden saying "fuck" distracts from really important things, like WHAT'S TIGER WOODS DOING RIGHT NOW?!
17:02 Crap! Rush promised to leave over HCR, but now he's staying? Can't trust anybody any more.
17:06 "Oh shit, what if GOP starts a campaign of mindless obstructionism, stalling Congress and making it next to impossible to pass legislation?"
17:12 "He's got a ticket for Rush, and he don't care (Mah baby don't care...)" http://www.aticketforrush.com/
18:46 RT @ebertchicago: Dear Joe Biden: In my experience, there are some situations that absolutely justify using the words "Big fucking deal."
19:30 First time using a ColorMunki to calibrate my laptop's display. Amazingly quick and easy. Wonder how long before I get used to the change.
21:39 I quoted Casablanca to a young friend. She asked if Heath Ledger was in that. I think I want to cry.
21:48 RT @ebertchicago: The voice of today's young people. Very short; stay until the end. http://j.mp/ctuuFf [Clever and inspiring.]


Monday's Tweets

08:25 New Yorker Mag: Terrorism booster Marc Thiessen keeps making shit up. http://bit.ly/bo4rFS
08:31 WSJ chooses smug snark over checking the facts. Oopsy! http://bit.ly/asb3aw
09:58 Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN): "I wish that we had continued that bipartisan effort that took place prior to the President coming into office."
10:01 John McCain: "There will be no cooperation for the rest of the year." And that'll be different how, exactly?
11:10 Mitt Romney dares to protect the country against horrible abusers of the public trust, like MA Gov. Mitt Romney. http://bit.ly/bewiNa
11:38 Yes, Health Care was Obama's Waterloo. Problem for Repugs is that he was playing Wellington. http://bit.ly/cvd7M8
13:57 Haircut break. Talk about your mundane tweets.
15:13 What do you do when your supreme moral leader is a revolting immoral slime? And no, I'm not talking about Repugs. http://bit.ly/9ak3oX
15:26 From Daring Fireball, the neatest 404 page ever: http://idzr.org/404
16:43 RT @ggreenwald: Here's what Nat'l Revw used to say about "public opinion" to defend segregation (h/t @acfoltzer) http://twitpic.com/1abksz


Sunday's Tweets

08:07 Busy Sunday. Helping a friend with one shoot, and then participating in a second. Should be fun.
14:27 Shooting naughty pictures in a hotel stairwell. Shocking!
23:19 Just got back from my third shoot of the weekend. So many photos to process...
23:27 RT @ThePlumLineGS: Deep thought: Scott Brown's victory didn't actually mean reform was dead, after all.


Saturday's Tweets

22:45 Friend was trading sexy text msgs with an anonymous woman. He asked me to call the number & see who answered. It was a man, baby!


Friday's Tweets

08:09 CA Bar Assn investigating Orly Taitz. Is it a witch hunt if the target really is a witch? Burn her, burn her! http://bit.ly/b7ThAV
10:08 A feature length Dr. Horrible? That would get me in a theater for sure. Please let it be! http://bit.ly/8X6O1I
16:54 @ScaperSuse No, she only looks that old. I think she got her license in 2004 or thereabouts.
17:41 RT @ebertchicago: We are so small. It is so large. http://j.mp/czXQCx [Stunning.]
17:42 Took another drive out to Livermore. Found an interesting park. Sadly, the parking machine didn't take Credit Cards & I had no singles.
22:18 RT @ebertchicago: Beck supporter's on message board's never seem to know what to do with apostrophe's. [Hee! Sorry, make that H'ee!]
22:21 Finally watching last night's Daily Show. Jon is having a meltdown that is positively Beckian.